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anti-stephen harper \'my prime minister embarrasses me\' tote bags sell out

by:Bestway     2019-11-08
A political slogan will also bring your groceries.
The politics of Prime Minister Stephen Harper inspired two Toronto men
The artist who sold out. . . of tote bags.
Packett and writer
Curator Elin Walker designed a bilingual \"my prime minister embarrassed me\" tote bag to draw attention to their list of grievances against Harper\'s leadership.
They say Harper is dealing with the move from missing and murdering Aboriginal women to bill C-51.
\"We decided to do something more artistic about it than simply Facebook posts,\" Paquette said in an interview with Metro . \". “If [Harper]
Change, be a better leader, it will be a double bonus.
Metro reported that the retail price of totes was $35, and the artists originally ordered 12 bull denim woven bags.
But after the demand increased, they raised it to 72 pieces and sold out quickly.
The two plan to improve their online sales strategy and place larger orders, but insist that their products are not malicious.
Paquette told Metro that Harper \"does not represent my ideal as a Canadian.
\"I believe he is a good man and his children like him very much,\" he told the news media . \".
The design of Packett and Walker is not the only reverse.
Harper Design. CafePress.
Com has an\"Harper\" t-
The shirt section features a variety of political slogans and logos, including the \"not my prime minister\" and the \"Stop Harper\" octagonal, in a surprise protest to the rogue page Brigette DePape
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