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campus life: suny, new paltz; canvas bags replace plastic ...

by:Bestway     2020-03-09
1990 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it starts online in 1996.
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\"You\'re always looking for ways to change, how can you say no when they stick it on your face?
Elisa Quinzi, a junior majoring in photography at State University of New York, said.
\"It\'s a new fashion,\" added Beth Griffin, a junior from N. Monroe. Y.
Major in communication.
Their focus was on a reusable canvas tote bag, and during the registration period last week, the campus bookstore began renting for a dollar.
Bags printed with pine trees and the \"reuse of bags over and over again, ready to return with a $1 deposit\" message replaced the disposable plastic bag, and the store began to gradually stop operating on Thursday.
Deborah Rizzo, store manager, said: \"We only have a few plastic bags left last year. When they are gone, that\'s it . \"Puccio.
\"After that, if the customer doesn\'t want to give up, they just have to put everything in their arms.
\"The 100% cotton effort reflects how, since the 1988 law required state agencies to recycle paper, plastic, glass, the University of New York has transformed environmental issues into actions, where economically viable, metal and other materials.
The ad \"This helps focus a lot of us on running a college store and looking for other ways to change the status quo,\" Mrs. Rizzo-Puccio said.
For example, the State University\'s Potsdam branch and oswego branch are two of the few schools in the country whose projects aim to replace the plastic foam cup oswego Catering Service deputy director with reusable plastic cups.
The Binghamton campus is also exploring the concept.
Handbag advertisement-
The package project for New Paltz works like this: Students can rent 16-when they shop in a college store-inch by 17-
$1 inch heavy.
\"They can keep their luggage as they wish, return them to us in any form and take back their money,\" Mrs. Rizzo-Puccio said.
She said her shop uses 25,000 plastic bags a year.
\"It\'s 25,000 bags and the students took a short time and then threw them away and sat in the landfill forever,\" she said . \".
\"These canvas bags are made of 100% cotton and printed in eco-friendly ink.
When we can\'t use them anymore in the end, we put them in a rag
Recycling Plan.
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A way to pay the cost?
The initial expenditure of 5,000 canvas bags was $7,000, or $1. 45 each. But, Mrs. Rizzo-
Puccio says about 25% of the cost is paid by the supplier
Including the university ring maker Herff Jones and Russell Athletics sportswear, the ads purchased by the latter appear at the bottom of the bag.
\"Considering the number of students who do not return their luggage,\" said the lady. Rizzo-
Puccio said, \"I expect this will cost US $2,500, which is equivalent to the amount we spend on plastic bags . \"
\"Of the 100 students who rented their luggage on the first day of the project, some said it made them feel like they made a difference.
\"I think people may be overwhelmed by environmental problems because they look too big,\" Griffin said . \".
\"It gives them something so they can see that they can make some contributions.
\"Others think this is a step in a bigger process. \'\'Fast-
Food packaging, plastic packaging bags, we live in a one-off, \'said James MacNaughton, a graduate student in Chinese boxing technology, N. Y.
\"I think this is a good step forward towards what we need to do on a larger scale, and we need to build a new awareness of how we live.
\"A version of this article was printed on page 1001053 of the National edition on August 26, 1990 with the title: Campus Life: SUNY, New Paltz;
Use canvas bags instead of plastic in bookstores.
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