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\'clear backpack clapbacks!\' parkland students rebel against their mandated safety bags by filling them with very witty signs and memes - with one even turning his into an aquarium

by:Bestway     2020-06-24
Students at Douglas High School have been filling their prescribed transparent backpacks with various symbols, memes, condoms, and even live fish, while antics control officials who implement new safety measures.
In the wake of a mass shooting that killed 17 people, teenage survivors at Park High in Florida returned from spring break on Monday, demanding full validity.
However, the students expressed their discontent.
Just a day after the implementation of the new rules, an Instagram account was created, showing photos of the student\'s best \"transparent backpack partition\", showing their peaceful resistance, while highlighting the task\'s
Student Zach Wall brilliantly turned his transparent backpack into an aquarium, and the account shared a video of him swimming in his schoolbag during class.
In the comments section of the post, the high school student insisted that no fish was hurt during the production process, explaining that after he came back from school, put them back in the canal near his home.
The other a students decoration of backpack SpongeBob meme and writing \'ravioli wonton to formuoli \"the sign says\' ravioli wonton to I gun controli.
Two teenage children are filled with rubber ducks in their schoolbags.
One sign says \"this duck\" and the other says \"it\'s stupid avoidance \".
A student\'s backpack had a picture of the amariwarner leaves with the words \"I can\'t bring [here \". marijuana]
My bag.
At the same time, another person wrote \"crisis actor 420\" on her backpack to laugh at conspiracy theories spread online and undermine students advocating stricter gun control.
Many students believe that a transparent backpack is a violation of privacy and that a person is filled with bras, menstrual pads, bread-pulling and condoms in his schoolbag.
Another teenager decorated his backpack with a sign that says \"prisoner I. D.
0605105866 \'and a copy of paper that says, \"Look what\'s in my bag! Write on it.
Instagram accounts with more than 4,600 followers are created by. J.
Cardenas is a new student at Florida International University, who is friends with Marjory Stoneman Douglas students.
\"Of course, we are shooting, joking, etc. because we can\'t take clear schoolbags seriously,\" he said in an interview with The New Times . \".
Like many students in the school, he called the transparent backpack \"band\"
Instead of really solving the problem.
I guess it\'s just a feature of the students: we can add a bit of a scathing humor to all of this, but the message is \"listen and make us real,\" he added.
At the same time, march together for our lives
Founder Cameron Kasky is using his new work
Help to end the shame of the surrounding period with a schoolbag. The 17-year-
Marjory Stoneman Douglas\'s older junior shared a photo on twitter on Tuesday in which he took a transparent backpack full of cotton strips and used the label MSDStrong. In a follow-
The activist explained on Twitter that he has been \"learning new things about women\'s health \"--
Including the cost of tampon and menstrual pad.
For those of you who have questions about my tampon backpack --
\"I only have lights,\" he said on Twitter . \"\'I didn’t know.
Prepare super sports car for tomorrowSize, price. . .
\"I am learning new things about women\'s health now,\" he continued . \".
This thing is very expensive.
Measures must be taken to make these health products more accessible.
Florida is one of the states that officially excluded menstrual products from the sales tax last year, but Kasky\'s post proves that there is still a long way to go in ensuring that women get these necessary products.
His tweets resonate with people who feel uncomfortable, and their peers can see their tampon and menstrual pads.
Sarah Strick, 14year-
The freshman at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School praised Kasky in the comments section and wrote: \"If I have confidence, your name is Cameron.
\"Here\'s for you if you need anything. . .
\"Tampon and other things,\" he replied . \"
Twitter user @ sprklplnti admitted that she was moved by Kasky\'s post because when she was a student, if she had to put cotton strips in a transparent backpack, she
\"I know it\'s silly, but it hurts me a little. \' she wrote.
I would be shocked if I was forced to put tampon in a clear bag in HS.
This is a sweet unity.
Just tampon.
There\'s nothing to be ashamed of like a MAGA hat.
Since its release, the post has received more than 61,000 \"likes\" and 9,000 retweets, including those from parkland classmates Emma Gonzalez and Sarah Chadwick.
Delaney Tarr, a student at parkland, is one of those who resolutely opposes the new security measures, but Kasky\'s post has helped her see a glimmer of hope.
\"The only advantage of these backpacks is the hope that it will remove the stigma during menstruation.
She also wrote that Cameron now knows how expensive tampon is.
To express the student\'s anger at the new transparent backpack, Tarr created a Twitter survey asking: \"Well, let\'s clean it up.
How many of you
Classmate Douglas)
Think backpack is a good solution?
According to the final result, 89 out of 199,636 votes indicated \"no \".
Last month, Robert Lansey, head of Broward School, told the parkland family that students needed backpacks after spring break.
On Monday, many students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School expressed their frustration on twitter and protested what they called the \"band\"
Security measures.
Before sharing photos of his transparent backpack full of tampon, Kasky expressed his displeasure with the task on Twitter.
\"What I meant to say. . .
Unless they\'re bullets.
\"I don\'t think it\'s safe,\" he wrote . \"
Student Emma Gonzalez added that people who have the ability to make changes are constantly making the wrong changes.
When people pay for these changes in our school (
The only school in the country that has been changed btw)
It means someone gets paid and I\'m tired of being treated as a prize pig.
\"Jack McLeod said on Twitter that he believed in the school\'s safety measures, but the bags looked more beautiful than they actually did,\" he said . \".
Alex Athanasious quoted one of my friends as saying that backpacks often remind me of what happened: I like to wear tragedies around my neck.
\"I just want to feel normal again,\" the teen posted . \".
Some students attached an orange color of $1.
Price tag for their schoolenforced bags.
Over the past few months, we \'ve also seen these labels at Life rallies in Washington. C.
Student and activist David Hogg and Lauren Hogg explain that they represent the amount that Republican Senator Marco Rubio accepted from the NRA, divided by each student in Florida.
Student card door Luo wrote on Twitter that this backpack may be more valuable than my life.
Lauren Hogg said she appreciated the effort but criticized the school\'s new rules.
\"My new backpack is almost as transparent as the NRA agenda.
I feel safe now.
She said, although I appreciate the fact that we as a country need to focus on solving real problems rather than turning our schools into prisons.
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