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eco-fashion: transforming trash into treasures

by:Bestway     2020-06-06
Miami, Florida (CNN)--
Fashion Designers give new life to worthless candy wrappers, newspapers and plastic bags;
Turn rubbish into stylish handbags, wallets and jewelry. From \"post-
It is reported that the durable, trendy accessories worn by celebrities such as Lindsay Lohan, Cameron Diaz and Petra nemkova come from consumers and industrial waste. One self-described eco-
Fashion brand Ecoist works with Coca-Cola
Coke, Luna Bar and Aveda make handbags in printed error and discontinued packaging.
\"We dig the source of waste because it is reliable and unfortunately it is rich,\" Ecoist co-
Said founder Jonathan Marko schmer.
\"We believe there will be a lot of money in the next few years. \" How about 7.
6 billion tons of garbage?
According to US data, that\'s how much American companies throw each year. S.
Environmental Protection Bureau.
Over the past four years, Ecoist says, it has sold more than 100,000 pieces of designer-designed accessories in Peru and Miami, Florida. The bags --
Some of themof-a-kind --
The price of the smaller version is about $30, and the price of the larger version is about $180.
\"At the moment, we are a direct solution for many of these companies to use waste to create ideas and raise environmental awareness,\" Marcoschamer said . \".
Eco-ists are not alone.
Catherine Rasmussen, owner of label Reiter8, made tote with recycled sail.
Nicola fregerd and Robin Jenson, the design team behind Nic & Elle, recycled 100 tons of vinyl billboard ads to make wallets, bags and a variety of other products.
Another designer, Anna Built, chose to make jewelry with recycled tin cans.
But Green is not always that easy.
Timbuk2, known for its messenger bags, encountered resistance in trying to produce handbags made of discarded plastic bags.
When Timbuk2 worked with root phi, the idea seemed to work, and root phi developed a machine that could glue plastic bags together.
This machine called Lamitron allows them to produce a new fabric while keeping the visual details of the original plastic bag.
View photos of ecology
The timing seems appropriate.
Plastic bags are banned in San Francisco, and other cities around the world are considering similar measures.
Although there are 3,000 potential customers on the Timbuk2 website, these packages are unlikely to be sold at any time, if any.
These companies have encountered legal and technical problems in their efforts to produce bags on a large scale.
\"Everyone is afraid to be big-
Scale manufacturers, stick to their toes in the water.
It\'s a matter of risk and cost, \"said Doug Pat.
Founder of Root phi
Tinbuk2 also found that although the garbage may no longer have the owner, the logo on the garbage still has it.
Target sent a stop letter to Timbuk2 in September, when it found some Lamitron bags showing the company\'s bulls --eye design.
Root phi and Timbuk2 scramble to identify and remove offending packages from their limited prototype collection.
\"We encourage and promote recycling efforts, including efforts to use our recycling bags,\" Target said in a written statement to CNN . \".
\"However, in this particular case, we believe that the prominent use of our bulls is --
Eye design marks imply sponsorship or affiliation to Timbuk2 that did not exist at the time.
Target says Timbuk2 is working together.
Perry Klebahn, CEO of Timbuk2, admitted that Target was not technically wrong.
\"In this particular case, it is our responsibility to talk to Target and have them say yes and give us a license.
If we really want to take advantage of this, we should be responsible as manufacturers.
\"The initial appeal of Timbuk2, however, is that it has the potential to clean up the blocks at the same time to meet the market needs of a highly localized and personalized eco-environmentproducts.
\"The best thing here is that no two bags are the same. . . .
What if you could roll into a small town and make works of art with local flavor? Asked Klebahn.
His vision is that one day anyone can drop their used shopping bags at Timbuk2 and receive a custom tote bag a few weeks later.
Now the masses will have to wait. Eco-
Fashion has proven to have enough influence in the fashion world.
Last year, British designer Anya sindemage created an instant ecology
The fashion of her $15 limited edition \"I\'m not a plastic bag\" bag.
In London and New York, Bales were sold out quickly and hundreds of people were waiting in line.
The bags sold $400 on eBay, sparking a dazzling knock on the dooroffs.
Joyce Justicz, a boutique owner in Atlanta, Georgia, said she doesn\'t think consumers will buy eco-friendly products.
Fashion for environmental reasons.
\"They buy them because they are cute and that\'s an extra bonus,\" she said . \".
Will the trend continue?
Yair Marcoschamer, another eco-ist
The founder is very optimistic.
\"Businesses and individuals have realized that if no action is taken ,[
About the environment
\"This will have a profound impact on the lives of each of us,\" he said . \".
\"Fair consumer products --
Trade that is responsible for the environment is our responsibility as consumers.
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