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green trivandrum: from recycling coconut shells to upcycling old saris, trivandrum shows us how to go green | kochi news - times of india

by:Bestway     2019-10-28
What\'s the use of old newspapers, coconut shells and old saris-plenty!
The message from Go Green Expo is that they can be used as biodegradable alternatives to plastics rather than dumped into garbage.
Information technology Sree Zilla Thirunal West Fort Park as part of this move to make the capital plastic
The fair is offered free of charge by Trivandrum, with more than 10 booths, and plastic alternatives have been developed by different cities
Units based on personal and work money, as well as habitual error museums, are a campaign to reduce plastic in cities.
Go back to kaya sanchi and aim for a plastic
In a free environment, these booths show novel and traditional methods to help urban residents avoid using plastic bags in their daily lives.
Organizers advocate the use of old cloth bags or kaya sanchi used by our grandparents for shopping.
According to Booth administrator Praveen P, the bag is foldable and easy to put in the pocket when not in use. “Being eco-
A friendly bag is another option for plastic tote bags.
A large three-pool can hold 40 kg and carry groceries and vegetables instead of multiple plastic bags.
To make kaya sanchi more attractive, they have introduced a print design.
\"They are washable.
\"It can be used, recyclable and degraded after treatment,\" Praveen said . \".
Paper bags are also on display, which is an effective alternative to plastic handbags.
The owner said that the size and texture of the paper bags are different, and many people like it.
\"There is a misconception that paper bags are not strong enough.
However, when made together with thick paper and coconut silk, they can carry household items including groceries.
Over the past week, we received about 40 bulk orders from individual stores, restaurants and textile stores.
Housewives in the city are also interested in knowing how to make paper bags, \"said Asha AR, a vendor.
Pointing to bags made of old Sally, she said, \"from one Sally, we can produce 12 medium sized Sally bags.
Customers can change their saris bags with old saris. we only charge at least 10 to 20 rupees.
Meena Shankar, a housewife at Sashthamangalam, said, \"the plastic threat is a headache for all of us, and the alternative presented here is a relief.
There are hands-on lessons at the booth that teach us how to make these organic bags.
I found Sally\'s bag interesting because I could use my old Sally\'s bag as a raw material.
I can also sell to people who are interested.
\"Green is a new personality, and even young people like it very much.
What about green.
Pouch, printed bag, sticker-
At the expo, work wallets and sling bags are sold like hot cakes.
The vendor owner, Jithu S, said, \"The price of the pouch is only \'150\' and young people take them with them like a style statement.
Leena Jain, Kudumbasree unit staff at Kovalam, also expressed the same view, \"earrings and necklaces made of smooth paperback are like beads and there are many people
\"Do you remember when you used coconut shells to make utensils?
Stall owner Sabeena Bevi said the coconut shell cup is making a comeback.
\"They can be used as replacements for plastic utensils such as kettles or cups.
Before Plastic appeared, we used utensils made of natural fibers.
Coconut shell is an ecology
Friendly alternatives to plastic in our daily lives
Teacup, kettle, soup bowl, spice tray, container, pen holder, vase, etc.
It is heartening to see that many resorts in the city use bowls, cups and kettles made of coconut shells.
\"If cleaned and dried in the sun after use, these will last for many years,\" Sabeena said . \".
The \"Museum of habitual errors\" is right at the entrance, an art device made using more than 10,000 discarded plastic bottles collected from all over the city, and visitors are welcome.
The brain behind it, Ganga dillep, says the device has opened the eyes to the serious consequences of plastic pollution.
\"From here, if visitors can find alternatives to plastic in their lives, they will be directed to the booth,\" he said . \".
Technical expert Albi Martin commented, \"they have arranged e-commerce
In the \"Bottle House\", waste, used pens, straws, plastic wrapping paper, flexible plates and even napkins as museum exhibits.
It makes us realize that we are responsible for our waste and pollution.
When traveling, I used to throw plastic bottles on the rails after use.
After seeing the installation, I decided not to do it anymore.
\"Whenever there is a regulation on the use of plastic, the public refutes it and asks what alternative products to use.
The expo, Mayor VK Prasanth, is an answer.
\"You can\'t impose a plastic ban overnight.
But with the supply of alternatives and strict enforcement, plastic tote bags will slowly disappear from the city.
He added, \"after March 1, Health circle officials will raid hotels, restaurants, shopping malls and other shops with the help of city police.
We will put pressure on businesses to adopt alternatives to plastic bags.
Soon, we will be able to strictly enforce the plastic ban in this city.
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