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grocery bag clothing to give new look to student fashion show

by:Bestway     2020-06-22
In times of financial hardship, high fashion can be made from household garbage, and a Ryerson University student says she makes clothing with grocery bags, clear products and VHS tapes as her
Laura Shadick, 21, fourth.
On Friday, the annual student of fashion communication said she believes that traditional handicrafts can be given new purpose and relevance during the recession and can be used to make beautiful but practical fashion works.
\"In times of recession, waste is tolerated less, people have less discretionary income, and innovation is growing,\" said Shadick . \".
\"People recycle, reuse, and recreate.
Everything is redone and redone.
\"Her work will be re-presented at the Ryerson University fashion show, mass exodus: chiarosscuro, held next Tuesday and Wednesday in Toronto.
The photos she created will be displayed in the student exhibition ,(Missing)
Link 2009 opened this weekend.
Sanddick made three sets of clothing from household materials.
One is a white dress with a bow, all made of grocery bags.
She used about 500 bags for the dress.
The other is a transparent dress made of production bags and dry cleaners.
The third one is black two-piece outfit—
Bra top with short skirt-
Made from the tape at the top and the tape at the bottom.
She cut the antenna into strips or loops and made what she called \"wool.
She then weaves the materials together with extra domestic waste materials.
Each dress comes with a matching wallet.
Her mother, grandmother and a family friend taught her to crochet.
She believes that the art of crochet is becoming \"scarce\" and she hopes that her creation will inspire others to create art from household waste.
Her paper, which includes writing an article and creating a fashion work, explores the question: \"gender-specific traditional art forms like crochet, if there is a new purpose and relevance, survive over time?
The answer is a resounding \"yes\", says Shadick, which she believes can be used to create \"art and fashion works of beauty, function, meaning and purpose \".
\"She is one of the five fashion communication students whose work will be presented at the fashion show with the graduate design students.
Her paper will be on display in an exhibition showing the fashion communication student thesis project.
Her future plans include making accessories with household materials she might try to sell.
\"I like handicrafts,\" she said . \"
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