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ikea tote bag: when designers make expensive versions of cheap things

by:Bestway     2020-06-04
For a long time, market stalls around the world have piled up cheap counterfeits
Designer brand products.
But sometimes it turns.
Designer brands get inspiration from cheap things in life.
Sometimes, a bag that looks like something you can buy at a local store can be sold over half of the average monthly income in the US.
Imitation is the most sincere compliment, right?
Get a bow with a new Balenciaga bag.
It looks very much like the oversized Frakta bag you can get at the Ikea furniture store --
Spend some loose changes.
But the arena of Balenciaga
The big shopper handbag will send you back $2,145 (£1,670; €2,015).
Of course, this is not a direct copy.
The Balenciaga bag is made of leather, not plastic, and the brand of the Swedish store is missing.
But Ikea seems to think it\'s a victory.
They told teen fashion: \"Balenciaga tote bags are similar to Ikea\'s iconic 99-cent sustainable blue tote bag, and we are deeply honored by that.
Nothing is better than the versatility of a great big blue bag!
\"So, let\'s take a look at some of the other times, and some of the cheap stuff is affecting the fashion industry: Designer paper bags.
This was sold by German designer Jil Sander in autumn and winter 2012, followed by a plastic tote bag of 2011.
Brown paper bags coated with wax are sold out;
Although the price is 185 ($240).
Chanel\'s Lego handbag.
It looks like a child\'s lunch box, which retails for £ 5,370 ($6,900).
It was designed by Karl Lagerfeld and celebrities including Kim Kardashian, Rihanna and Rita Ora were found.
Sequins shopping bag
The humble Tesco and Marks & Spencer shopping bags are the inspiration for designer Ashish Gupta, who created his own version for his Spring 2014 series, filled with thousands of sequels
Your price is only pounds.
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Another bag, this time designed by British bag designer Anya sindemage, looks like a grain box.
Instead, she also made a \"I\'m not a plastic bag\" bag that cost 5 and can be bought at your local supermarket, which is the bag for the season of 2007.
[Gucci fake T-shirt]
Look a little like stepping stone
Take off from the market booth mentioned earlier, but it was actually sold at department store Harvey Nichols.
Sold as \"fake Gucci T -\"
Shirt \"will let you refund 260 ($335).
Is fashion itself eating? Havaianas (flip flops).
Well, you know these slippers are common in airport shops and shopping malls all over the world. That they are.
I agree with you that they are not expensive.
But before they were so popular around the world, they were the main footwear of the lower class in Brazil.
Things like this \"become the focus of the brand\'s talk,\" says Amber Graafland, fashion and beauty editor at the British Daily Mirror.
\"Everyone is talking about it, even if they say it\'s ridiculous;
It\'s just a brand for them.
\"It\'s just fashion.
\"It\'s about trying to accept what the designer is doing,\" she went on to say . \".
\"People who buy that bag may not wear it next season, because fashion is already popular.
\"Of course, if we wear the same clothes year after year, the lives of many of us will begin to become very boring, very fast. Sign-
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