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is this american-made leather bag really worth $10,000?

by:Bestway     2020-02-18
Walking by the wellto-
There are shopping centers or areas in any major city in the United States, and you will see a lot of shops that offer luxury goods.
But with a few notable exceptions, most brands are not American. Why?
One reason, observers say, is that the country no longer produces luxury goods of the same size as it used.
This is partly because the number of skilled people needed to make these products has been significantly reduced: \"When people in their 80 s started outsourcing to their 90 s, all of this was hollowed out, peter York, who consulted many large luxury companies, said.
This phenomenon occurs in the Western world.
In France, for example, concerns about the disappearance of process skills have led the industry to establish a new training program in the hope of restoring interest in the process.
So in this context, what Chicago entrepreneur Stephen Fisher is trying to do seems a bit reckless.
He\'s selling one hand now.
Luxury leather bags made entirely in the United States. The cost?
Less than $10,000 (£6,683).
When he found an old bag at an auction and bought it on an impulse, everything happened.
\"It just talks to me emotionally,\" he recalls . \".
Soon after, he took the bag on a plane trip.
When he got off the boat, he noticed that the flight attendant was standing in line to talk to him: \"I think, \'Oh man, I\'m really in trouble now.
But what they told me was: \"Sir, we don\'t know where your bag is, but it\'s the most beautiful bag we \'ve seen in a long time.
Fisher said he had received similar comments from others.
Eventually, he began to ask himself: \"What does it take to make a package like this. . .
Not only did it become American, but it also became 100% American?
\"At the time, Mr. Fisher was teaching a course on fashion at Northwestern University in Illinois.
He also advises organizations on the luxury industry.
However, the introduction of luxury goods is a new beginning.
He recalled that almost all the vendors he spoke to told him he was crazy.
They said to him, \"Look, Steven, don\'t let [if you really want to make money [it]
\"In America,\" he recalls.
Mr Fisher ignored the suggestion and began looking for leather products and artisans --
Work, spend months driving through the middleWest.
He began to talk to the horse owners and asked them who made the saddle and harness.
Over time, Mr. Fisher managed to build a network of skilled leather and metal workers who could make various components according to the strict standards he was looking.
Some artisans belong to the Amish community.
Fisher said he thought the quality of their work was very good.
But there are challenges.
Some Amish people are reluctant to use modern technologies such as the Internet, so communication can be difficult.
The leather in this bag comes from the Hoven leather factory in Chicago, the last leather factory left in the city.
All the effort, time and materials to make the bag are not cheap, and a standard example is priced at $9,995.
Fisher said the cost was reasonable.
He believes that if he can produce the highest quality products, then there will be customers to buy.
Although the business is small, he hopes he can make the business bigger.
He has expanded the product range to the belt.
But how big is the market for products like this?
Some experts say there is growing interest in sources of goods, including luxury goods.
\"In every luxury market that already has a lot of luxury consumers, there is always a chance to \'product\' that country [product]
Milton perdraza of the Luxury Institute in New York says
A company that provides advice for large enterprises.
However, he added that a shortage of skills would make it very difficult for handmade luxury goods.
Another challenge is fierce competition.
There is no doubt that big companies in the industry have an advantage in this area because they benefit from economies of scale.
Despite the challenges, Fisher is still unafraid.
This is a huge undertaking.
\"I never thought about it three or four years ago, and that\'s where I am now,\" he said . \".
\"But there\'s something deep inside that tells me to keep doing this and prove that we can create exquisite luxury goods in the US.
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