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kamloops high school students turn city banners into new backpacks for guatemalan children

by:Bestway     2020-06-24
Some of the old canvas banners from downtown cumloops have started a new life in Guatemala
Kids backpack
A group of 12-year students from two high schools in Kamloops will travel to Central America for spring break and volunteer trips.
Joanne Simpson, a secondary school teacher at sahaari, has been taking students to Guatemala since 2010, but this is the first time they have received donations.
\"I think it brings real elements to the trip,\" Simpson said . \".
\"This gives the students something they can prepare and can provide them when they get there.
\"Tammy Ferris, a textile teacher at Westsyde Middle School, came up with the idea of updating the old banner.
She told Jenifer Norwell of the CBC: \"If you are going to the city center, you will see those beautiful colored banners that say downtown camloops . \".
She called the local Business Improvement Association to ask if they would like to donate some old banners to the school.
Ferris said they gave her a bucket.
Then Ferris taught her students how to sew a backpack from a banner, look, durable water --
A pull-resistant backpack was made for children in need.
In addition to hand-made backpacks, students are filled with toys such as hygiene supplies, school supplies and football, rope skipping, etc.
\"We don\'t even think about being able to own things like toothbrushes and toothpaste, but the kids in Guatemala, who may really be lucky enough to be given these things, said student Renee Bussey.
The students interviewed by Spring thanked the experience and were excited to be able to distribute backpacks after arriving in Guatemala later this month.
\"Realizing that we can make a difference, we can make a difference even if we only have 16 high school students traveling, which is recognized and very cool,\" says Emily Johnson Holstein.
\"There is a goal to prepare, which means a lot,\" said student Alex Bepple . \".
\"It\'s cool to have an impact on the world like this.
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