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keep your reusable bags handy, as montreal begins enforcing ban on plastic bags

by:Bestway     2019-11-14
Over the past six months, Paul Redmond has told his clients that a change is coming.
As a grace period in Montreal, businesses can relax the ban on singles
Use plastic bags after today
World Environment Day
The owner of the grocery store said he and his customers were ready.
\"I think a lot of them have put this in their mindset,\" said Raimundo, who owns La Vieille Europe on the plateau --Mont-
Royal community.
\"Compared to the previous months, we have given away a lot less luggage in the past few months,\" he told CBC News . \".
Stores are banned from distributing singles in Monterey-
Plastic bags have been used since January.
But it was not until June 5 that they had completed the transition.
The attached example passed on August 2016 prohibits merchants from giving customers packages below 50 microns (or 0. 05 millimitres).
It also prohibits all types of oxoBiodegradable, oxo-
Biological bags can be removed.
Customers who have left Plasticine began selling thicker plastic bags at his store on June 1, a few days before the expiration of the grace period, 15 cents per bag.
He also sells reusable canvas bags for $3, or gives them away for free when buying $50 or more.
Despite this, most of his customers have brought their own reusable bags and he expects this to continue in the coming weeks and months, Raimundo said.
\"I want to do something for the environment and if we have to get rid of plastic then I want to be a part of it,\" he said . \".
Shoppers, Stephen in Spiegel (Stephen Spiegel) said he more like can repeat \"with the bag.
\"It\'s better for the environment.
Better for our own costs;
\"Everything around is much better,\" he said . \".
So, how much will it cost you to defy the rules?
The rules allow the city to impose high fines on businesses that violate the regulations.
As far as the first offence is concerned, individual retailers can receive a fine of between 200 and 1,000 yuan, and the subsequent offence will cost them 300 to 2,000 yuan.
A large company found to be in violation of the rules could be fined more, from $400 to $4,000.
City employees can check any retail store in Montreal to ensure they comply with the ban, according to the rules.
Anyone who interferes with these checks will also be found to have violated the new rules.
Best bagSidney Ribaux, executive director and collaboration
The founder of the eco-organization, Équiterre, said the ban was a step in the right direction.
But replacing one bag with another is not the best solution, he said.
The very thin bag is easy to fly away, but the thicker bag is made of four to six times as much plastic.
Even if there is a cotton bag, it will have an impact when making it and finally getting rid of it \"no matter what we do, no matter what we use, it will have an impact on the environment, he told the Dawn of Montreal day.
Which is the best bag?
Ribaux said you don\'t use the bag.
However, if you have to use a bag made of nylon, the impact on the environment is minimal.
If one day you forget your bag and have to shell it for a thicker plastic bag, use it again.
Ribaux explains that the more often you use anything, the less impact it has on the environment.
Correction: An earlier version of the story stated that the customer would face a fine for violating the charter.
In fact, the Charter applies only to individual merchants and companies and not to individual customers. (
June 05, 2018 morning 11:14)
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