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make a tote bag from an old grain sack

by:Bestway     2020-06-02
Simple sewing items I like simple sewing items and like to create handmade gifts by recycling vintage fabrics.
Find instructions below on how to make a simple tote bag.
I saw a pile of old sacks in an antique shop and found it difficult for me to resist buying some old textiles.
The cereal bag can be used as a decoration for the chair, a pillow, or a curtain and tablecloth.
I decided to make some handbags with my food bags.
Of course they are too long to use as they are now!
If you would like to make a tote bag or reusable grocery bag with these vintage cereal bags, please be careful --
If washed, it may fade.
Dry cleaning is required.
But stains and wear will add to the real look of the dress.
I chose three different brands of food bags-
A high-quality package that pursues seamless, a Fulton seamless package, and a Bemis overweight seamless package.
Since the establishment of the company in 1858, the Bemis overweight seamless sacks have been in use.
Large bags are used for cotton, grain and feed.
The bag I found is 46 \"long, if the cut length-
It is wise to be 92 \"long.
The seller claims the bags are 80 years old.
In fact, Bemis also produces these sacks today.
The sacks are made of tough and durable materials and must stand up to some rough handling in order to be an excellent heavy duty grocery tote bag.
Now, I must admit that there is a problem with the old textiles.
I bought an old kitchen towel or curtain and wanted to do a project with this fabric but couldn\'t let myself damage the old fabric.
Today, however, I cut a bag and started my sewing project.
This is what I do: it costs $10 to make two bags with my sacks.
So it took me $5 to make two bags with them. 00 a bag.
I cut it so that a printed label appears on one bag, while the other bag is normal and has vertical stripes on both sides.
Measure it before you cut it so the bag is even.
Make sure you have enough seams and hems fabric.
Loose weaving is easily worn out, so you want to finish the project in one sewing.
When you cut the bag, cut the grain bag and make sure you leave enough fabric to make the handle;
Two for each package.
Measure the handles so they are uniform and long enough to carry the tote bag comfortably.
I made a long handle so it can be used as a shoulder package.
Cut off the handle.
In this way, they are strong enough to carry heavy objects.
Fold each handle length-wise.
Focus each horizontal end in the center and fold again to hide the loose edges (
As shown in the right picture)
Pin along the entire length of the handle.
Iron in shape.
Close at the end.
Sew carefully along the opening end.
Be very careful with the folded edges, as heavy fabrics can even break a solid needle.
You may want to sew the end with your hand.
Sew the bottom of the bag and the bottom of a bag.
The other one will be closed at the bottom as it is the bottom of the bag.
Remember, it\'s seamless so you don\'t have to worry about the sides.
This fabric is very heavy, so use heavy sewing needles and sew slowly. I used a zig-
Zag needle for extra power.
Turn the material out of the inside so the seams are inside.
Draw a line at each end of the bag with a pencil, about 2 \"in, creating a triangle at each end at the bottom of the bag.
Sew along this thread.
This will enable you to drop a full bag without the bag falling down.
Follow the top of each bag with zig-zag stitch.
Make sure the handle is comfortable.
Fix the handle between vertical stripes.
Try the bag and make sure the handle feels right. Adjust.
The hand will be sewn on the bag and stitched in a square pattern to enhance the strength.
There are other brands of food bags, but most of them are similar.
Here you can see the length of this chasing seamless package.
This one is a little more funky than I used in sewing projects.
There are many such bags around.
They are available in real estate sales, yard sales, antique and salvage shops and several online stores.
The price is very high so you may have to look around.
Vintage European sacks appearing in decorative books and magazines can be very expensive.
American style is more affordable.
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