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marriott recycles bed linen to create tote bags.

by:Bestway     2020-06-08
Marriott International has launched a limited edition tote bag made from 100% recycled sheets produced by Marriott UK.
The tote bag is part of Marriott\'s partnership with sleeping bags to transform abandoned hotel sheets into items that can be put back into the hotel as room facilities.
This package is exclusively printed by British luxury brands lil and Lionel, and half of the sales revenue will be donated to the Prince Trust. [[banner]]
Barbara Powell, senior director of international social responsibility at Marriott, said: \"Marriott has a deep
A strong commitment to sustainable development and a pleasure to roll out Lily and Lionel packages.
Not only does this bag look good, it\'s also a great example of how we work with suppliers to create sustainable products and reduce environmental footprint.
Andy mark, founder and CEO of the company, said: \"Ifto-
Finally, the bedding that has been condemned by the world\'s leading hotel chain for one year will travel more than twice around the world.
This tote bag is a charming way for people to redesign
Think about what waste is.
This bag looks great and feels great. there is a story to tell.
Alice Stone, creative director of Lily and Lioner, commented: \"lil and Lionel are really grateful to be invited to this inspiring project.
We are enthusiastic supporters of environmental protection, and we love the idea of this project.
A large part of the production of our scarves is the purchase of the best fabrics, the feeling of sleeping is very cute;
We added our own feel with a ethereal design that is perfect for the story that this package has to tell.
\"The Marriott hotel in the UK has also introduced hair dryer bags, newspaper bags and laundry bags made of retirement bedding in guest rooms.
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