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Miracles, they do happen

by:Bestway     2019-10-29
They said miracles came out of pain.
During a recent train trip from Chennai to Bengaluru, the experience began.
I got the ticket on the Shatabdi Express from Chennai in the evening.
I got to Chennai center in a taxi.
Put it on the suitcase and handbag and pay it to the driver in cash.
Since the station is famous for pickpockets, I took precautions: put my wallet back in my handbag, check my phone, and close my handbag before getting off the car.
After arriving at the platform, I took out my mobile phone from my handbag and checked the car number in the digital ticket.
When I walked to the car with my mobile phone, I felt my handbag lighter.
Sure enough, the wallet is gone.
I was stunned and blank for a moment-not only did the wallet have money, but also credit cards, ID cards, PAN cards and driver\'s licenses.
I fought my wits and approached a tourist ticket inspector on the platform and told him: \"I just lost my wallet with money and ID card.
Can I travel or should I go back without ID?
\"He sympathized with me, asked my seat number, and told me to get on the bus: He would remind colleagues in charge of my carriage.
I settled in my seat with a heavy heart, called my husband, told him about the misfortune and asked him to block all credit cards.
Meanwhile, TTE arrived in the car.
I showed him my ticket on my phone and told him that my wallet was lost so I couldn\'t show any ID.
He said his senior mentioned my dilemma.
And then the weirdest thing happened.
He asked me if my wallet was pink or long.
I was taken aback and the answer was yes.
\"Madam, just now in the C5 carriage, an elderly couple showed me the wallet they found under the seat.
\"Let\'s go there and see if it\'s yours,\" he said . \".
I jumped up from my seat and my heart pounding straight and followed him to c5.
Look, this is my wallet. I took out my ID card from my wallet right away.
All the money is gone but the card is in good condition.
The elderly couple who found the wallet reported the wallet to two women passing. They were safe-
Leave the wallet to the owner to claim it.
In fact, the thief was a \"sympathetic\" person who threw his wallet into the railroad car, not on the track.
There are tears in my eyes, there is gratitude in my heart.
After analyzing this matter, we realized that the common practice of thieves is to only take money and throw away their wallets/bags immediately.
Still, I still think it\'s a miracle to lose my wallet on the platform and put it back on the running train in an hour. Jayanthc1 @ gmail.
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