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school safety concerns cause a buzz

by:Bestway     2020-06-15
A father in a black leather coat rushed out of the SUV with a few bills in his hand ---
His child forgot his lunch money.
A retiree is sending an envelope to his wife who teaches in another building.
There was also a mother who had a tote bag on her shoulder, a pizza box in one hand and a baby carrier in the other, who was just in time for lunch.
However, when they arrived at the main entrance of North Andover Middle School, the door was locked, although more than 1,100 students were in class.
The school is one of the growing number of public schools in Northwest Boston that lock the front door on their buildings ---
Force visitors to enter the room by buzzer or doorbell.
\"Some people might think it\'s about keeping the kids in their homes, but as parents, I don\'t want any other way.
It held the hook out, \"said Joseph CroL, the father of two young girls in May Suen, who was surprised to find that the last Thursday morning, when he was on a business trip, the front door of North Andover Middle School was locked.
School leaders and police say locking the front door is just common sense, especially when many school districts spend tens of thousands of dollars on surveillance cameras across their entire building, it took thousands of hours to develop and revise the security plan ---
First because there was a series of school shootings on 1990, and then because it never seems to have happened --
End the terrorist threat of the decade.
Burlington police Detective Thomas finnier compared the practice to the home security system.
\"You can have the best security system at home, but if you keep the front door unlocked, it\'s not that useful,\" he said . \".
Over the past few years, North Andover, Redding, Stoneham and Woburn have or are installing buzzer systems in almost all of their schools.
This spring, Andover voters will consider spending $235,000 to expand the buzzer system from several schools to more.
Both Tewksbury and Winchester test the buzzer system at one of their schools.
All of these areas follow in the footsteps of two other northwestern suburbs, Dracut and Methuen, which began locking the front door in late 1990.
There will be more suburbs in the near future.
The Burlington School committee is debating a plan.
Officials at the North School are talking informally about the idea.
The Lexington New Harrington School, which opens next month, will have a front desk. door buzzer. (
However, according to the policy of other schools in the area that do not have buzz, the school will temporarily keep the front door open. )
School leaders and police say that these days, it is necessary to lock the front door to prevent sexual offenders who want to kidnap their children, non-custodial parents who may want to kidnap their children, during the hunt, criminals sneaked in to avoid the police.
Last month, Bedford locked the front doors of all schools for about an hour while police were searching for a 30-year-
After receiving reports from two girls about \"suspicious activity\" near the middle school.
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