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shoulder bags a strain for kids

by:Bestway     2020-06-13
The masseur warned that shoulder bags are fashionable items for students to return to school, but a heavy bag supported with a shoulder strap is a bad idea.
The doctor said: \"your neck will start to ache, which will also lead to headaches and mechanical damage to exercise . \"
Don Nixdorf, executive director of B. C.
Spine massage Association
Nixdorf has been warning parents for years not to overload their child\'s backpack, saying that shoulder bags of any size or weight will strain one side of the body.
\"This may affect their posture, their ability to sit at school, their ability to listen to a teacher\'s lecture, which may mean that their learning ability has not reached its peak; that\'s a long-term problem.
\"Shoulder bags are not the healthiest option, but it\'s hard for parents to refuse,\" says Susanne Jeffs.
Her son, Martin, started kindergarten.
\"This is the fashion thing to do now,\" Jeffs said . \".
\"Usually mothers get what the kids want.
Paul Dywelska from Mountain Equipment
Op said the company has launched more than a dozen styles and colors of shoulder bags from a model five years ago.
\"They swing easily so you can see what\'s in front of the bag without having to pull it down every time.
\"They\'re a little comfortable and cool,\" said Georgia Martin, a Vancouver student . \".
Massagers and therapists recommend more traditional backpacks than shoulder bags.
A child should not weigh more than ten percent.
The Abackpack should have a wide belt and belt to stop the backpack from swinging around, and heavy objects should be stored near the body.
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