
One stop solution service provider for all kinds of Leather Bags, Handbags And Briefcases

spend and redeem exclusive travel bags

by:Bestway     2020-06-22
Fans of designer Anna Sui now have the opportunity to expand their collection to showcase her unique charm and bohemian design, as well as the Guardian x Anna Sui travel bag collection by the Guardian in Malaysia.
Recognizing that Malaysians love to travel and want to look good while traveling, the pharmacy, health and beauty retail chain has developed an exclusive baggage collection in collaboration with American fashion designers.
The Guardian x Anna Sui travel bag series offers two push bag (61cm and 51cm)
A handbag and a designer box.
\"We chose to work with Anna Sui because she has a strong presence in beauty and fashion,\" said Christina Low, director of marketing at Guardian Health and beauty Sdn Bhd . \".
\"This kind of cooperation also brings the ideal brand with affordable price to the mass market.
She added that the Malaysian Guardian believes shoppers will love the luggage collection designed by Time magazine, one of the top five fashion icons of the decade.
Low spoke at the press conference of the travel bag series, showing the colorful and eye-catching travel bags to the media.
It also shows how best to take advantage of bags and maximize space, such as stuffing socks into shoes and packing small items with Ziploc bags.
In her notes, Sui said that the baggage collection is inspired by perfumes, butterflies and roses, and comes with a palette of purple, orange and pop art.
Sui added that during her career, each design was inspired by different activities and collections.
For example, the butterfly print in the 51 cm-hand bag comes from the dress in the Sui spring 2009 series, while the rose-
The edge stripe design of the tote comes from one of her dresses in the Spring 2007 series.
All four of the luggage collected can be purchased through the Guardian\'s exchange plan.
For every purchase of RMB 20, shoppers receive a stamp.
If the purchase includes one of 33 participating brands such as Bio-
The essence of Maybelline, Nivea and panting, the drops, the pigeons.
Shoppers need to collect 10 stamps for a bag at a discounted price.
For example, a 61 cm pull bag can be purchased at rm159. 90 (
Compared to the retail price RM399)
, And the designer\'s case can be purchased at rm59. 90 (
Retail price RM99).
Stamps will be issued from the 28 th.
Redemption starts on October 28, ends on December 31, or stocks continue.
In addition, the Malaysian Guardian has launched two limited edition Anna Sui light fragrances.
Dreams Yellow and La Vie De Boheme EDT are priced at RMB 30 ml per bottle.
They will only be available in 150 selected stores from November.
For more information, please visit www. guardian. com.
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