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students fill backpacks for people in needstudents fill backpacks for people in needstudents fill backpacks for people in need

by:Bestway     2020-06-25
Waterloo area
This Christmas, customers of four local shelters will receive backpacks filled with gifts, all packed by young students from local public primary schools.
Shelter backpack initiative is organized by local units of the Ontario Federation of primary school teachers to collect donations of cosmetics, clothing, books and toys and distribute backpacks to Anselma House and St.
Monica\'s home is Cambridge, a bridge, a shelter and shelter.
\"Our community is amazing,\" says Karen Snyder, a kindergarten teacher at W. T.
Townsend Public School in kidina.
Students from junior to sixth grade are filled with 40 backpacks plus two Zehrs packs.
Each class talks about giving and helping people in need, said Snyder.
\"I asked the children to raise their hands and raise their hands if they had a good breakfast and if they had lunch at home or mom and dad helped them, she said.
\"The idea is to emphasize what we have and how we can be our kindest selves, especially at this time of year.
\"Mary Johnston Public School in Waterloo, teacher Steven Howard
With the help of me at the school and the students at our club, coordinating the collection work is a free Child initiative.
Howard said a letter was sent back to his parents asking for their support.
In the classroom, teachers attract students by talking about shelters and why they need them.
The family was generous and donated gift cards, baby items, clothes, toys and books for the children, Howard said.
\"I filled my van with donations,\" he said . \".
A nine-year backpack program run by the Teachers\' Federation encourages schools to collect items as a school
The deputy president of the union said that a wide range of activities, class projects or activities between employees
President Nancy Hutchinson
About 40 local primary schools have taken part in the program this year, Hutchinson said.
Backpacks are sorted in shelters so customers can get what they need most.
\"Holidays are tough for some families.
\"The past few years have been particularly difficult because the community has lost its jobs,\" says Hutchinson . \".
\"We want to do our best to support children.
\"Our teachers are out there and see the difficulties,\" said Genny bitfair, chief negotiator . \".
L Monteiro @ therecord.
Area of Waterloo
This Christmas, customers of four local shelters will receive backpacks filled with gifts, all packed by young students from local public primary schools.
Shelter backpack initiative is organized by local units of the Ontario Federation of primary school teachers to collect donations of cosmetics, clothing, books and toys and distribute backpacks to Anselma House and St.
Monica\'s home is Cambridge, a bridge, a shelter and shelter.
\"Our community is amazing,\" says Karen Snyder, a kindergarten teacher at W. T.
Townsend Public School in kidina.
Students from junior to sixth grade are filled with 40 backpacks plus two Zehrs packs.
Each class talks about giving and helping people in need, said Snyder.
\"I asked the children to raise their hands and raise their hands if they had a good breakfast and if they had lunch at home or mom and dad helped them, she said.
\"The idea is to emphasize what we have and how we can be our kindest selves, especially at this time of year.
\"Mary Johnston Public School in Waterloo, teacher Steven Howard
With the help of me at the school and the students at our club, coordinating the collection work is a free Child initiative.
Howard said a letter was sent back to his parents asking for their support.
In the classroom, teachers attract students by talking about shelters and why they need them.
The family was generous and donated gift cards, baby items, clothes, toys and books for the children, Howard said.
\"I filled my van with donations,\" he said . \".
A nine-year backpack program run by the Teachers\' Federation encourages schools to collect items as a school
The deputy president of the union said that a wide range of activities, class projects or activities between employees
President Nancy Hutchinson
About 40 local primary schools have taken part in the program this year, Hutchinson said.
Backpacks are sorted in shelters so customers can get what they need most.
\"Holidays are tough for some families.
\"The past few years have been particularly difficult because the community has lost its jobs,\" says Hutchinson . \".
\"We want to do our best to support children.
\"Our teachers are out there and see the difficulties,\" said Genny bitfair, chief negotiator . \".
L Monteiro @ therecord.
Area of Waterloo
This Christmas, customers of four local shelters will receive backpacks filled with gifts, all packed by young students from local public primary schools.
Shelter backpack initiative is organized by local units of the Ontario Federation of primary school teachers to collect donations of cosmetics, clothing, books and toys and distribute backpacks to Anselma House and St.
Monica\'s home is Cambridge, a bridge, a shelter and shelter.
\"Our community is amazing,\" says Karen Snyder, a kindergarten teacher at W. T.
Townsend Public School in kidina.
Students from junior to sixth grade are filled with 40 backpacks plus two Zehrs packs.
Each class talks about giving and helping people in need, said Snyder.
\"I asked the children to raise their hands and raise their hands if they had a good breakfast and if they had lunch at home or mom and dad helped them, she said.
\"The idea is to emphasize what we have and how we can be our kindest selves, especially at this time of year.
\"Mary Johnston Public School in Waterloo, teacher Steven Howard
With the help of me at the school and the students at our club, coordinating the collection work is a free Child initiative.
Howard said a letter was sent back to his parents asking for their support.
In the classroom, teachers attract students by talking about shelters and why they need them.
The family was generous and donated gift cards, baby items, clothes, toys and books for the children, Howard said.
\"I filled my van with donations,\" he said . \".
A nine-year backpack program run by the Teachers\' Federation encourages schools to collect items as a school
The deputy president of the union said that a wide range of activities, class projects or activities between employees
President Nancy Hutchinson
About 40 local primary schools have taken part in the program this year, Hutchinson said.
Backpacks are sorted in shelters so customers can get what they need most.
\"Holidays are tough for some families.
\"The past few years have been particularly difficult because the community has lost its jobs,\" says Hutchinson . \".
\"We want to do our best to support children.
\"Our teachers are out there and see the difficulties,\" said Genny bitfair, chief negotiator . \".
L Monteiro @ therecord.
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