
One stop solution service provider for all kinds of Leather Bags, Handbags And Briefcases

weighing in backpack optionsweighing in backpack optionsweighing in backpack options

by:Bestway     2020-06-27
Even if you\'re not a school parent
With age, children\'s traffic and anger on the way back mark the beginning of the new school year.
But even for parents, the knowledge that may not be common is the risk of dragging a heavy backpack around, doctors say.
According to US media reportsS.
Backpack-consumer goods safety committee
It is estimated that 5,000 children enter the emergency room each year due to related injuries.
More than 14,000 children are treated each year for injuries.
The doctor says it\'s bad enough to carry a heavy backpack, but if a child also suffers from scoliosis, stress fracture, or muscle strain, weight can aggravate the condition or delay recovery
David Marshall, medical director of children\'s health movement in Atlanta.
\"Certain classes have been missed due to back pain, which can lead to school holidays (gym)
And activities such as after class
School sports, Boy Scouts and training camps . \"
Parents should consider a second set of family books to avoid the full burden of traveling to and from school, Marshall said.
In addition, it may also be normal to go to the doctor to assess the child\'s core weaknesses, back muscle tension and poor posture.
The risk posed by heavy backpacks has long been a concern for parents such as Suzanne Scheffer and Diane Clower, who advised her daughter to take only the books she needed to complete her task home.
They compromised because she needed all of them.
To reduce the weight, Crowell bought a rolling bag.
Rolling efer, however, says that Rolling packages can also pose a safety risk because students have to manipulate the stairs. Schaefer is the mother of a primary and middle school student.
Schaefer said she was worried that both would bring so many books, especially her son Matthew, because he was too young.
\"The books may be as heavy as he is, but he has to take them home every day,\" she said . \".
\"I was just worried that he would hurt himself by walking back and forth carrying so many books.
\"To help ease the burden, Marshall offers these tips from the Atlanta Children\'s Health Center: buy a backpack with a double shoulder and wide padding.
Make sure your child uses two straps at the same time.
• Choose a backpack with a padded waist or chest belt.
This makes the weight more evenly distributed on the body.
Multiple compartments also help to reduce weight.
Your child\'s backpack should not be wider than his body.
Consider choosing a backpack with a metal frame (Like a hiker. or on wheels (
Bags like flight attendants).
Consult your child\'s school first to see if these types of bags are allowed.
When your child is fully loaded, the weight of his backpack should be less than 15 of his weight.
Use your backpack scale to measure the maximum backpack load so your child can know what it should feel like.
Make sure your child doesn\'t carry unnecessary items like laptops, CD players, and video games.
These can add a lot of pounds.
Heavier items should be placed near the body behind the backpack.
It is important to pick up your backpack correctly.
Like any heavy object, when your child lifts his backpack to his shoulder, he should bend his knee and grab the backpack with both hands.
Encourage your child to develop stronger lower back and abdominal muscles.
This will help to avoid back injuries.
Weight training and yoga are two activities that help to strengthen the core muscles.
No more than 10-
Weight 15%; •Well-
Shoulder pads (
On two shoulders, not just one);
The abdominal belt evenly distributes the load of the backpack on the shoulder and back;
The weight of the package should not be lower than the trousers; •Well-
Pad packaging to prevent pencil case and ruler poking;
The heaviest book at the front of the package closest to the back. Source: Dr.
David Marshall, medical director, child health campaign Medicine, Atlanta ccatchy-Atlanta court
Even if you\'re not a school parent
With age, children\'s traffic and anger on the way back mark the beginning of the new school year.
But even for parents, the knowledge that may not be common is the risk of dragging a heavy backpack around, doctors say.
According to US media reportsS.
Backpack-consumer goods safety committee
It is estimated that 5,000 children enter the emergency room each year due to related injuries.
More than 14,000 children are treated each year for injuries.
The doctor says it\'s bad enough to carry a heavy backpack, but if a child also suffers from scoliosis, stress fracture, or muscle strain, weight can aggravate the condition or delay recovery
David Marshall, medical director of children\'s health movement in Atlanta.
\"Certain classes have been missed due to back pain, which can lead to school holidays (gym)
And activities such as after class
School sports, Boy Scouts and training camps . \"
Parents should consider a second set of family books to avoid the full burden of traveling to and from school, Marshall said.
In addition, it may also be normal to go to the doctor to assess the child\'s core weaknesses, back muscle tension and poor posture.
The risk posed by heavy backpacks has long been a concern for parents such as Suzanne Scheffer and Diane Clower, who advised her daughter to take only the books she needed to complete her task home.
They compromised because she needed all of them.
To reduce the weight, Crowell bought a rolling bag.
Rolling efer, however, says that Rolling packages can also pose a safety risk because students have to manipulate the stairs. Schaefer is the mother of a primary and middle school student.
Schaefer said she was worried that both would bring so many books, especially her son Matthew, because he was too young.
\"The books may be as heavy as he is, but he has to take them home every day,\" she said . \".
\"I was just worried that he would hurt himself by walking back and forth carrying so many books.
\"To help ease the burden, Marshall offers these tips from the Atlanta Children\'s Health Center: buy a backpack with a double shoulder and wide padding.
Make sure your child uses two straps at the same time.
• Choose a backpack with a padded waist or chest belt.
This makes the weight more evenly distributed on the body.
Multiple compartments also help to reduce weight.
Your child\'s backpack should not be wider than his body.
Consider choosing a backpack with a metal frame (Like a hiker. or on wheels (
Bags like flight attendants).
Consult your child\'s school first to see if these types of bags are allowed.
When your child is fully loaded, the weight of his backpack should be less than 15 of his weight.
Use your backpack scale to measure the maximum backpack load so your child can know what it should feel like.
Make sure your child doesn\'t carry unnecessary items like laptops, CD players, and video games.
These can add a lot of pounds.
Heavier items should be placed near the body behind the backpack.
It is important to pick up your backpack correctly.
Like any heavy object, when your child lifts his backpack to his shoulder, he should bend his knee and grab the backpack with both hands.
Encourage your child to develop stronger lower back and abdominal muscles.
This will help to avoid back injuries.
Weight training and yoga are two activities that help to strengthen the core muscles.
No more than 10-
Weight 15%; •Well-
Shoulder pads (
On two shoulders, not just one);
The abdominal belt evenly distributes the load of the backpack on the shoulder and back;
The weight of the package should not be lower than the trousers; •Well-
Pad packaging to prevent pencil case and ruler poking;
The heaviest book at the front of the package closest to the back. Source: Dr.
David Marshall, medical director, child health campaign Medicine, Atlanta ccatchy-Atlanta court
Even if you\'re not a school parent
With age, children\'s traffic and anger on the way back mark the beginning of the new school year.
But even for parents, the knowledge that may not be common is the risk of dragging a heavy backpack around, doctors say.
According to US media reportsS.
Backpack-consumer goods safety committee
It is estimated that 5,000 children enter the emergency room each year due to related injuries.
More than 14,000 children are treated each year for injuries.
The doctor says it\'s bad enough to carry a heavy backpack, but if a child also suffers from scoliosis, stress fracture, or muscle strain, weight can aggravate the condition or delay recovery
David Marshall, medical director of children\'s health movement in Atlanta.
\"Certain classes have been missed due to back pain, which can lead to school holidays (gym)
And activities such as after class
School sports, Boy Scouts and training camps . \"
Parents should consider a second set of family books to avoid the full burden of traveling to and from school, Marshall said.
In addition, it may also be normal to go to the doctor to assess the child\'s core weaknesses, back muscle tension and poor posture.
The risk posed by heavy backpacks has long been a concern for parents such as Suzanne Scheffer and Diane Clower, who advised her daughter to take only the books she needed to complete her task home.
They compromised because she needed all of them.
To reduce the weight, Crowell bought a rolling bag.
Rolling efer, however, says that Rolling packages can also pose a safety risk because students have to manipulate the stairs. Schaefer is the mother of a primary and middle school student.
Schaefer said she was worried that both would bring so many books, especially her son Matthew, because he was too young.
\"The books may be as heavy as he is, but he has to take them home every day,\" she said . \".
\"I was just worried that he would hurt himself by walking back and forth carrying so many books.
\"To help ease the burden, Marshall offers these tips from the Atlanta Children\'s Health Center: buy a backpack with a double shoulder and wide padding.
Make sure your child uses two straps at the same time.
• Choose a backpack with a padded waist or chest belt.
This makes the weight more evenly distributed on the body.
Multiple compartments also help to reduce weight.
Your child\'s backpack should not be wider than his body.
Consider choosing a backpack with a metal frame (Like a hiker. or on wheels (
Bags like flight attendants).
Consult your child\'s school first to see if these types of bags are allowed.
When your child is fully loaded, the weight of his backpack should be less than 15 of his weight.
Use your backpack scale to measure the maximum backpack load so your child can know what it should feel like.
Make sure your child doesn\'t carry unnecessary items like laptops, CD players, and video games.
These can add a lot of pounds.
Heavier items should be placed near the body behind the backpack.
It is important to pick up your backpack correctly.
Like any heavy object, when your child lifts his backpack to his shoulder, he should bend his knee and grab the backpack with both hands.
Encourage your child to develop stronger lower back and abdominal muscles.
This will help to avoid back injuries.
Weight training and yoga are two activities that help to strengthen the core muscles.
No more than 10-
Weight 15%; •Well-
Shoulder pads (
On two shoulders, not just one);
The abdominal belt evenly distributes the load of the backpack on the shoulder and back;
The weight of the package should not be lower than the trousers; •Well-
Pad packaging to prevent pencil case and ruler poking;
The heaviest book at the front of the package closest to the back. Source: Dr.
David Marshall, medical director, child health campaign Medicine, Atlanta ccatchy-
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