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weighing school backpacks

by:Bestway     2020-06-25
My daughter\'s school backpack was heavy last year and she sometimes dragged it to the back instead of hanging it on her shoulder.
The backpack with wheels is too bulky for her locker so next year I would like to buy an extra set of textbooks to put at home.
In the latest rating of the most durable school backpacks, the consumer report conducted its own survey to determine how much weight children carry due to backpack overloading.
The researchers visited three schools in New York City, weighing more than 50 children\'s backpacks.
They found that children in grades 2nd and 4 had homework and books worth 5 pounds.
However, once the child reaches the sixth grade, the burden of homework will increase.
In this study, an average of 6 grade students carried 18-pound backpacks.
4 pounds, although some backpacks weigh up to 30 pounds.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that the weight of a child\'s backpack not exceed 10-20% of the child\'s weight.
Consumer Reports suggest keeping the weight close to 10% of the child\'s weight.
But a Texas study found that most parents did not check the weight of their child\'s backpack.
According to the consumer report:
The same is true for back pain, the doctor said.
Member of the board of directors, Ollie avitur
Neuroscientists and medical consultants certified by Consumer Reports.
\"A heavy backpack is low for a powerful contributor
\"Children have back pain,\" Avitzur said, adding that carrying heavy backpacks for a long time, one shoulder instead of two, dragging heavy objects to climb the stairs can exacerbate the problem.
Girls and short children are more likely to cause back pain due to their small size, so it is important to find a suitable backpack.
The magazine continues to recommend the best backpacks for kids, and even breaks down these suggestions based on their height.
The highest rated backpack is the landend weather light backpack, which costs $40 and is 15% lighter than the other backpacks it sells.
According to the magazine, the rain-proof performance, safety performance and construction quality of the backpack are high.
For more information on all backpacks, see the full report in the consumer report. org.
For more tips on choosing the best backpack, read the guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
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Not to mention that the school is uphill and the knees are deep in the snow.
At least these children will tell their children something in the future.
I think \"can carry a heavier backpack\" is the advantage of the pros and cons worksheet for obese children.
Forcing a child to buy a heavy and uncomfortable backpack has a lot of symbolism.
I know that knowledge is a heavy burden, but God, can\'t we let the little one run freely and have a little fun?
For the rest of their lives they are bound by the expectations and social structures of others.
Of course we can\'t point to Kayan or Ndebele (
Brass collar wearer)
As long as we continue to do so. News?
This is a very serious problem.
Plastic surgeons and neurologists have seen more chronic back injuries in children.
The backpack is made very high and evenly distributed on both shoulders.
Ask any soldier carrying a 70-pound backpack.
But now the trend is to drag the ground one shoulder or low.
Also, if you take the bus, the backpack is dangerous because the children will swing around and chat with their friends when they stand and knock on you.
This has been a problem for many years.
There needs to be a \"course\" in \"How to pack your luggage \".
\"Not many people actually go backpacking and learn how to pack and distribute weight effectively to allow long distance/continuous load carrying. (
Soldiers often carry 100 bags for long-distance parades. )
Also, many of the packages are incorrect or the straps are not adjusted to the correct position.
The solution to this serious problem isbook.
This is also a way to solve textbook errors, update textbooks regularly and customize textbooks in accordance with regional and local interests. (
Not to mention reducing the general cost of parents and school districts having to buy, store and recycle textbooks. )
I tried to trade between school district and e-commerce center about 8 years ago
As a test solution to the heavy backpack problem, book manufacturer.
Both of these are games for pilot projects, but we came across brick walls erected by publishers who don\'t want to have anything to do with e-commercebooks.
With the success of the Kindle, it may be time for someone to come up with another pilot project.
Amazon itself is likely to want to test the market.
PREDICTION: The first publisher to put textbooks in the cloud will dominate.
I have two daughters that I can understand.
Backpacks are not really a concern, but books they need to carry.
My daughter and other kids have a problem with backpack overload.
The problem is conflict of interest and lack of technical application.
I have worked in publishing for more than 8 years.
I recommended us to the top management :-
Create a web presence where current and previous versions of textbooks can be accessed when needed. -
Or create a system for textbooks so they can accommodate only a few chapters at a time and can be changed when needed.
In order to prove hefty, some publishers (pun intended)prices.
Usually, the content is the same as in previous years.
The issues with publishers focus on trying to deal with technology and protect author content from theft.
Imagination and creativity are needed to solve these problems.
I \'ve been working there for a couple of years now and have a little bit of no idea about existing or current publishing strategies, but in any case, the changes in publishing are slow, so I bet, there won\'t be much change.
Especially considering the need to have this blog.
George Finn is from the public school system in the city center, which I saw and felt for myself a while ago.
The main problem for my school is that they don\'t provide lockers, so you have to drag the textbook from home to the classroom every day.
I \'ve always been a big guy, but anyway, I remember I had to stuff my textbooks into my backpack until they weren\'t always the right time.
I think it is not entirely appropriate to blame the parents for checking the weight of the child\'s backpack.
It is the school that specifies the textbooks they must carry-and decide whether they have enough lockers or small rooms.
Do I understand that parents have to consult with the bureaucracy of the student school to ensure that the safety and health of the child is a priority?
Of course, but how many people stay? at-
Parents at home are there these days and have time to address the budget shortfall, poor maintenance and all these ridiculous issues
Lack of education system.
Sometimes, even though it\'s a problem for the children themselves-they don\'t want to be caught without anything, so they unnecessarily carry everything with them.
Part of the parents (and teacher’s)
The job is to teach them to plan ahead-not every textbook/notebook/document has to go home every day/The real problem is the amount of work expected per night?
This can lead not only to back pain, but also to anxiety, lack of sleep or lack of sleep, as well as time to lose home and other activities.
On one occasion, my stepsister school had a \"20 minute rule\", so, starting at 1st, children in each grade should expect an extra 20 minutes of homework per night.
Therefore, students in grade 6 should expect about 2 hours per night and about 3 hours for students in grade 9.
Math-how much time is left for sports, relaxation, family outings or just reading?
The school considers that they have the right to control the lives of children without considering the impact on their quality of life or health.
We need to fight back in a more substantial way, not just finding a better way for the kids to take on too much work.
I will repeat the suggestion of e-books.
I like to read and often try to keep 750-
Hard cover of my chest before going to bed.
I recently bought a Kindle.
I can have 1,500 books on my chest, much lighter than a book.
I agree that textbook publishers who provide books in the form of downloads-and even better, in a rental way-will put all the other publishers to bed, Doodle.
This is definitely a key issue for our family, but we find that a key part of the solution is to develop the organizational capacity of our son so that he can take back what he needs --and-
Come out of school
This year, when my fifth-grade son dragged a very heavy backpack, we found that most of the \"things\" were old work and heavy notebooks that he didn\'t need to take back --and-
Come out of school every day.
That said, it\'s just part of the problem-and I\'m also surprised that the students have to take home the status quo of both techniques
A pound book for one page of homework.
The children carry all the digital memories every day, and they are still bound by the same old paper textbooks.
I think they should be thankful for not dragging a stone monument or a big scroll . . . . . . Thanks for exposing this issue.
The American Occupational Therapy Association has launched a national school Backpack Awareness Day, which focuses on ergonomic and lighter loads for children.
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