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what the yuck: man, he smells good...

by:Bestway     2019-11-03
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Q: Is it true if a person smells good to you, which means that you are biologically compatible?
Like most things involving men and women, it\'s complicated!
Several studies have shown that people are attracted to the smell of the opposite sex, and they are genetically different in terms of immunity.
System genes, and turned off by the smell of those with very similar immune functionssystem genes.
Genes that are different from this approach have a biological advantage for children, because in theory they will have two sets of genes, so the immune system is more diverse.
But the theory hasn\'t been proven yet, there are a lot of other factors that will affect compatibility, and I won\'t put too much effort into finding your perfect match in this regard. Exactly.
We all feel guilty, but women seem to be more important.
They still go after the beautiful bastard who treats them like crap.
Men seem to be looking for something more so you can get a better look.
Yes, I may be using stereotypes.
Stereotypes were not invented by themselves. . . It\'s true.
It has biological significance, though.
A man can make many women pregnant, so he should do what he can.
Women can only get pregnant once at a time, so it is necessary to find the best candidates who may pass on the health genes and support their families.
Why black people in front of all white people think you read too much.
Because he has a better sense of fashion.
He knows not to wear his wife.
Tank or sports grease.
Sorry guys, only a small percentage of American girls want to see your pit hair.
Because he\'s an iconic gay man in a great country.
Breathing racist idiots
Wife, of course-
In the field of advertising, the stereotype of redneck is not \"racism \".
A simple answer: he is the cutest.
Because he\'s the most beautiful.
Because he has the biggest income.
The person with the farthest background. .
You guessed it right. smallest c0ck. Happy?
I was surprised they didn\'t find a man for the article pictures. . . .
Nowadays, men look so gay and women are even attracted.
Skinny jeans, flip-over, hairspray. . . . very feminine. .
Personally, I think they are less attractive to men than before.
It\'s their biggest complaint to ask any woman. . .
Where are all the real men?
No problem with flip flops. Trust me.
If we stand in front of each other, you won\'t tell me I look feminine.
And when I don\'t work in the summer, I wear flip flops.
I know a lot of women. they like weak men, and they also like men with double sex.
Everyone tastes different.
Anyway, why do you care?
Most people in Texas don\'t wear that.
My man is wearing a short-sleeved shirt and a plaid button (or sometimes t-shirts)
And baseball caps, which most people in my town wear.
No, I\'m not attracted to women.
I like Manly Texans because I\'m a native of Texas. ?
Women today really want a girlfriend with a penis. . .
They are well aware that their \"boyfriend\" can defend their lives if they rely on it. . .
When the women\'s shoes shop, they hold their wallets there. . So true! ! ! !
At the age of 1940, Justin Bieber will be considered very unmotivated.
Indeed, most men today are fruit cakes.
Especially young people today. Complete wimps.
Does the answer of a person with so-called scientific training really state that \"the theory has not been proven yet?
In its essence, theory can never be \"proved\" and can only be supported or refuted.
If the theory can never be proved, then how do you explain the existence of facts? Exactly.
Science does not require proof.
You can never hear the scientist say \"we have proved it \". .
\"Instead, our evidence supports or is consistent with a particular hypothesis.
It is argued that only mathematics can rise to the level that provides proof.
Except yourself in your description, right?
Real men don\'t like grooms, but want their women to shave their legs, wax their eyebrows, and make up. . .
That\'s what you said?
Yes, aRmendj, they want a chef, a housekeeper, a personal assistant, a nanny, a laundromat (
Or, if they can afford all of this, the person who hires and manages the staff)
A ready-made s * x partner and a mother (to them).
They want you to look like you did when you met, no matter how many years they let themselves go.
You forgot a lot of people want you to shave. The same is true of the region. Men stink.
This is the real truth.
If you can find someone who is \"good\" for you, then you have at least one compatibility level.
My husband smells bad.
I\'m sorry, Fiona. you married the wrong person.
Suppose you even like men)
But please do not try to describe all men with your husband\'s shortcomings. Seriously.
Do you like men? WHY? hahahaha!
This comment is funny.
Haha-why did you marry a filomeng that didn\'t work for you?
I spoke to my colleague and she said she liked the smell of her husband.
We\'re also talking about an episode of Oprah, where they talk about how women who take the \"pill\" are attracted (smell wise)
For men, they probably won\'t when they finish the pill.
If it is true, it will have an interesting impact. As a guy (
I talked to a lot of other people like me)
According to the smell, I am very interested in women.
Every once in a while, I meet someone who will trigger a reaction similar to \"Oh, kind of like my mom\" and this is someone who breaks the deal (
Nature is obviously helping me).
I think most readers recognize that if you want serious information about a scientific topic like this, you have to look outside of CNN-they just write enuf info to let you click on the story.
Bob, you realize you can\'t smell filomeng, can you?
This is done on a subconscious level.
I think you\'re talking about the average body odor.
First of all, most people are attracted to appearance. .
Personality is a reward!
If there is no personality, it seems that only so far people usually move on. . . .
But it\'s usually the next person who looks good. . .
Personality check. . not there. . . . move on. . .
Personality check. . its there? ? BINGO.
Smell is a big deal.
In my dating experience, before I got married, I noticed that some people smelled better than others.
This will definitely affect my appeal to them.
It has nothing to do with Cologne or soap, just a natural gas flavor.
I think my husband smells good and he says he likes what I smell too.
I read about those looking for Mr years ago.
Right should not take birth control pills because it will change their physical chemistry and may actually attract men who are not suitable for them.
It makes sense to me.
Darwin is right. we are all products of evolution!
Breeding is for beauty.
Not everyone wants to breed.
Not everyone is destined to get married. This is ok.
Both appearance and personality are important.
Although I have been attracted many times by personality, they look better haha.
I \'ve also heard that moms feel their baby poop smells good or better than other kids. Lol.
Anyway, those guys look cheesy.
Anyone who thinks poo smells good is an idiot.
I \'ve had a few dated ladies who really asked me for a dress I haven\'t washed so they can smell me when I\'m away.
Not even kidding.
My answer is always: \"No, you know where to find me if you want to smell me. \" !
They are stupid.
They should have just \"borrowed\" a dress from you.
Sexy girls date ugly men if they want good treatment, and vice versa.
This is the case now, and unless you want to end up with a scammer or punch, keep chasing good looking people.
Black people are in front of white people, because black people have a big di * kDid, do you learn from ignorant schools or are you born with them.
Scientific research and clinical observations suggest that your statement about size is a complete lie.
Grow up and get life!
It smells a bit strange, but I still have a diary when I was 14, a boy 2 years older than me is not there, I fell in love with him crazy, I recorded being able to \"beat\" him in my imagination, I miss him, eager to see him, with the words \"He smells of himself and the Woods \".
OK, not eeryone\'s idea of delicious, but he is a very outdoor person working in this open wooden shed.
When I read the book, his own smell was very fresh, clean and fun and I still remember the \"taste \".
Agree with those who say true men are the best, I like that men are men, a little rough, not rough, but just as good as men.
There was a problem. I smelled bad.
You know you\'re in trouble if you smell bad yourself!
@ Smee yes, almost.
Ugly guys can\'t play.
Even if she had no teeth
All a woman needs to do is take out the eyes and 300lb.
@ T3chsupport in fact, sleeping is also in the reproductive interests of women.
If she does well enough, support.
The provider male may not know that the child is not his.
Gentlemen, that\'s why you should have a paternity test frequently before your name is shown on your birth certificate.
Otherwise, you will buy food and clothes for the children of other men because many women are not loyal.
Among them are more women than publicly acknowledged.
Our lovely judicial system has \"evolved\" to make sure that even if you have nothing to do with it, you will bridge the line between the illegitimate child and his loose mom.
\"Loose\" men are as crazy as \"loose\" women.
Mentally ill like you. S-
Ex addtion of any other name is loose man and loose woman.
You know, I totally agree.
Flip flops are women\'s shoes. . period.
The more science explains things like this, the less I believe in \"true love \".
It\'s sad to think of love as a beautiful lie, we tell ourselves for whatever reason.
Due to the high rate of divorce in this country, I have invested a lot of money in this regard.
I went to an Asian school and a classmate wouldn\'t date this person who likes her because he doesn\'t have the right smell.
I like this guy too, I sniff his shirt when he doesn\'t look (
He was playing football and took off his shirt. .
It\'s like drugs to me, I\'m gay.
I think people should pay more attention to the smell than just the appearance.
This is very interesting for me.
I \'ve heard that gay men like the smell of each other, but lesbian, straight men and straight women like the smell of each other, but everyone doesn\'t like the smell of gay.
Could that guy be gay?
@ DPerhaps you may want to really look into the facts before listening to the sounds you cite, because they are absolutely biased and have no knowledge of scientific facts.
These guys all look like they smell each other in front of a woman.
There are a lot of things that are not good.
I\'m glad I don\'t date very often.
I found at least two decent people out there.
I\'m a 40-year-old virgin.
The problem is, I never smelled it.
Well, at least never smelled bad.
I remember when I was in high school I saw other people who had wet spots under their arms in class and I always thought it was weird.
I \'ve argued with friends all my life and they say \"you need to wear deoderant and everyone smells!
Because they think everyone has a smell in the end.
I always thought I was lucky, at least in my head. over-
It\'s a bit important if not biologically, because don\'t worry too much about things like deoderant, bathing, changing clothes, etc.
As a matter of fact, I noticed that this requires a good 3-
5 days without taking a shower, plus a few rounds of sweaty exercise, before I start noticing the smell on myself, nevertheless, it always smells so good to myself that I am not willing to take a shower, because I think if I go out somewhere around people, it smells really, really good for chicks!
Think about it anyway.
I had fun from the comments of the person who defended the man.
The flip-flops are for the little girl. period.
If you want to wear it, then you will wear the shoes of the little girl.
I don\'t care how big you think you are and how macho you are, if you are wearing them then you look ridiculous.
Would you mind indicating which blog platform you are using?
I hope to start my own blog soon, but it\'s hard for me to make a decision between the blog engine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal.
The reason I asked this is that your design looks different from most blogs and I am looking for something unique.
I apologize for getting off the bus.
But I have to ask!
As we continue to provide exclusive information to our reader Jalda Croc Bean Clutch, designer interviews will become more and more common on wallet blogs.
We have previously sat down to learn more about her brand and look forward to further follow up over the past week.
Rebecca Minkoff created a pack frenzy that brought together a large group of followers who needed them to fix it.
Her color has become highly sought after, Anglo-
The Celtic connect TNA podcast includes her orange, Honolulu theme page-USATODAY, wine and basket weaving.
Over the past week, we sat down and asked Rebecca your question, took a look at her fall line 2008 and visited her factory in New York.
It looks like a major designer has finally really learned what the recession means for their handbag business, the National Geographic Channel theme page usatday, and not in any small way.
Burberry leather messenger bag is part of several bags that the brand has launched this season, and the price tag is significantly lower than their normal leather products.
For example, this price is surprisingly low (
For brands like this)$375.
While the package may be fairly simple in design, it doesn\'t seem like an afterthought to me.
The leather finish reminds me of the crumpled bag Olivia Harris little inlaid Tramp released this season, other than that the bag is a little matte, the shoulder strap allows it to function as a very chic oversized shoulder strap or through the body.
Good design doesn\'t necessarily mean extra complexity, and according to this sentence by Burberry, the Republican National Convention Theme Page-USATODAY doesn\'t mean too much price either.
This may not be the most exciting package we \'ve ever seen, but I think the price is really worth celebrating.
F for Fendi and F for fudge.
Seriously, Fendi\'s house needs to be recalled as soon as possible.
Make up any excuse in this world;
You can even use my personal excuse.
You broke your arm on the slope and it was very difficult to design.
I don\'t care what you say, but you have to do something for this.
Don\'t get me wrong, Anglo-
Celtic connection to the heritage of the Neanderthals, I still love my honey spy incredibly, it\'s so mushy, the color is sacred, the shape is perfect for me,
Even Vlad, the main technician behind the British Wallet blog
Celtic\'s contact family tree and local history just looked at me and said, \"Oh, gawd, the theme page of Baymont Inn and Suites-USATODAY, what atrocities is this?
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Thank you for looking at all the messenger bags I posted here.
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Can you tell me that my thoughts have turned to the holidays?
This is not to say that it feels particularly winter here (
Thanks for the monsoon rain and hurricane Ida yesterday)
But in the evening, even in the depths of the South, I found something, Hogan\'s shoes, the air was still fresh, wasn\'t it?
Even in the early November S, in a place in the country, it won\'t catch a cold anyway.
With the arrival of the holiday season, the same shiny, festive costumes and bags have become essential.
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What if you needed a bag to match several different metal outfits?
Felix Rey Greta bow clutch has covered you.
This is the Sligo County Library Blog, very beautiful.
Beat Se, girly, the recession, and gold and silver.
This is a perfect holiday party clutch that will also work for other fancy parties for the rest of the year. At 8.
5 inch long, it\'s big enough to make the bow a bit too big and tacky (
In the best way)
But still small enough to be fairly elegant.
But it\'s also very interesting, Mercedes-
New York Benz fashion week, when did you see the whimsy and elegance reflected in a single bag?
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Buy bags in forever wonderful.
See photos of the bag and more photos of Jessica\'s movement below!
I\'m sorry Derek Lin, I just don\'t buy what you\'re selling here.
I know, I know-you\'re trying to create a small position for yourself in a smaller, high-rise crowd --
Bag designer outside.
It\'s not an easy thing to do because it\'s a bit difficult to convince people to spend a few dollars on a bag from designers who don\'t have a lot of handbag cache, to say the least.
But that\'s not an excuse for us.
When you deal with weird
Symmetrical design, there is a very thin line between an effective and an ineffective one, and I don\'t think there is a Derek Lin Elsa Python clutch.
Beautiful material and color, lock heart Victoria jewelry leather tramp, some of the asymmetry is good
But on top of that, the health care reform-the 2012 election issue, I lost completely. The half-
The covered silver ring doesn\'t seem to have any features at all, and when you start adding elements that don\'t usually have any functional value, things in the handbag design always go off track.
But I think the last nail in this small handbag coffin is the huge Prada Tessuto baby bag, luggage
Like the top handle.
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