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demand down for backpacks for bookworms programdemand down for backpacks for bookworms programdemand down for backpacks for bookworms program

by:Bestway     2020-06-29
CAMBRIDGE-At the beginning of school, Cambridge self
The annual \"Bookworm backpack\" program to help the food bank is underway.
\"We \'ve got some amazing support from companies that have really helped us a lot this year,\" said Anita bainnell, a food bank agency community outreach worker.
Byrnell said there was some other good news in addition to the generosity of local businesses, customers and several large companies.
\"The demand for backpacks has declined this year.
\"We initially had 300 backpack applications and now we have reached 800, and we are preparing another 100 for the next few days,\" said Byrnell . \".
According to the 1,200 backpacks distributed last year, the project organizers planned to distribute 1,159 backpacks this year.
\"Demand has decreased this year and we are not entirely sure why,\" Byrnell said . \".
\"Probably a check (
From the federal government)
People received it in the early summer.
They may save them and help their children get back to school.
It could be something else too, and we have to look at what\'s going to happen next year and see if (the decline)continues. ”On Tuesday (Sept. 1)
A volunteer team is busy packing everything that students may need to go back to school.
According to gender and school grade, the backpack is filled with items, and additional items are added to the backpack as new donations are put in.
Families in need who have not yet registered for the program are required to go to the Calvary Pentecostal Assembly (127 Hespeler Road. ).
Between 9: 30 on Thursday. m. and 5:30 p. m.
The distribution of backpacks will begin at 9: 30 on Thursday and Friday. m. to 5:30 p. m. at the church.
CAMBRIDGE-At the beginning of school, Cambridge self
The annual \"Bookworm backpack\" program to help the food bank is underway.
\"We \'ve got some amazing support from companies that have really helped us a lot this year,\" said Anita bainnell, a food bank agency community outreach worker.
Byrnell said there was some other good news in addition to the generosity of local businesses, customers and several large companies.
\"The demand for backpacks has declined this year.
\"We initially had 300 backpack applications and now we have reached 800, and we are preparing another 100 for the next few days,\" said Byrnell . \".
According to the 1,200 backpacks distributed last year, the project organizers planned to distribute 1,159 backpacks this year.
\"Demand has decreased this year and we are not entirely sure why,\" Byrnell said . \".
\"Probably a check (
From the federal government)
People received it in the early summer.
They may save them and help their children get back to school.
It could be something else too, and we have to look at what\'s going to happen next year and see if (the decline)continues. ”On Tuesday (Sept. 1)
A volunteer team is busy packing everything that students may need to go back to school.
According to gender and school grade, the backpack is filled with items, and additional items are added to the backpack as new donations are put in.
Families in need who have not yet registered for the program are required to go to the Calvary Pentecostal Assembly (127 Hespeler Road. ).
Between 9: 30 on Thursday. m. and 5:30 p. m.
The distribution of backpacks will begin at 9: 30 on Thursday and Friday. m. to 5:30 p. m. at the church.
CAMBRIDGE-At the beginning of school, Cambridge self
The annual \"Bookworm backpack\" program to help the food bank is underway.
\"We \'ve got some amazing support from companies that have really helped us a lot this year,\" said Anita bainnell, a food bank agency community outreach worker.
Byrnell said there was some other good news in addition to the generosity of local businesses, customers and several large companies.
\"The demand for backpacks has declined this year.
\"We initially had 300 backpack applications and now we have reached 800, and we are preparing another 100 for the next few days,\" said Byrnell . \".
According to the 1,200 backpacks distributed last year, the project organizers planned to distribute 1,159 backpacks this year.
\"Demand has decreased this year and we are not entirely sure why,\" Byrnell said . \".
\"Probably a check (
From the federal government)
People received it in the early summer.
They may save them and help their children get back to school.
It could be something else too, and we have to look at what\'s going to happen next year and see if (the decline)continues. ”On Tuesday (Sept. 1)
A volunteer team is busy packing everything that students may need to go back to school.
According to gender and school grade, the backpack is filled with items, and additional items are added to the backpack as new donations are put in.
Families in need who have not yet registered for the program are required to go to the Calvary Pentecostal Assembly (127 Hespeler Road. ).
Between 9: 30 on Thursday. m. and 5:30 p. m.
The distribution of backpacks will begin at 9: 30 on Thursday and Friday. m. to 5:30 p. m. at the church.
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