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feist has a mission to collect 6,000 backpacks for hiv+ kids in malawi and you can help

by:Bestway     2020-06-26
\"We have succeeded in providing free HIV medication and support for these children.
But if they can\'t guarantee the safety of the drug, then the whole thing will collapse.
\"When Leslie Fester was in rural Malawi, there was a light bulb in her head that went off --
A simple and effective idea, along with her famous song \"1234.
\"She needs a backpack.
A lot of backpacks.
The Canadian singer traveled to the Zomba district of southeast African countries in 2015 to see what Dignitas International in Toronto is doing
Helped health care NGOs for a quarter
Millions of people in Malawi have been infected with HIV/AIDS since 2004.
During this period, HIV infection rates in the country have declined from estimates of the population
As they scale up their antiretroviral treatment and prevent HIV from developing into AIDS, this percentage is staggering.
Leslie fester met with local children in rural Malawi. (Feist)
\"I was in a small village and they took me to the monthly club Dignitas opened for HIV-positive children.
Like walking into any school. chaos.
There are Dodgeball everywhere in the classroom.
Some kids are very shy, watching TV, and some kids don\'t care at all and make a little fun of you.
\"A few of them hold your hand and just adopt you for a day,\" she recalls . \".
\"You know, like the children.
\"Dignitas is launching a new youth club program in which HIV youth between the ages of 6 and 20 can meet, pick up their ARVs, guide young people and
Children involved in treatment are three times more likely to receive treatment than they are.
\"They are teaching children how to empathize with themselves, how important it is to insist on taking medicine, how they have families, and break the floating myth that HIV is bringing shame to people all over Malawi,\" said fester.
This stigma leads to the need for backpacks.
Feist met two young girls in Malawi. (Feist)
Since her award was released 2011 Times, Feist is basically no longer on the radar
Winning the album metal, since the album\'s subsequent tour ended in the second year. (
Fans can expect her. awaited follow-
April, and her voice in the upcoming record of breaking social scenes. )
At those concerts, as with the previous tour, she donated all her merch sales to charity.
\"But it always feels a bit like dad is at the airport buying gifts for kids he doesn\'t spend enough time with,\" she added . \".
\"Because it is.
I put this gesture where I activated it myself.
I just think it\'s time to take some responsibility.
Fester became friends with people in their 70 s. year-
She met old playwright and novelist David Young through Canadian writer Michael ondajie.
In turn, Young introduced her to Dignitas, who sat with his brother Michael on the board of Dignitas.
\"He just raised the challenge like, \'Hey, you should come over and see what we did.
Feel like this is a good place to do charity work [and]
\"Addressing this gap in my understanding of the world,\" she said . \".
\"They just say keep your eyes open for anything you think you are capable of doing.
\"Children in Malawi show off their new backpack from their Canadian children. (Dignitas)
This brings us back to our backpack.
Dignitas distributed medicines to the children, and some of them have gone there several days and sent them on the way.
But they\'re kids.
Kids throw things.
There\'s still a lot to lose.
Sometimes, on the way back to the rural boarding school, a box of medicine was blocked.
Sometimes this happens as soon as they get there because they live in a shared space without privacy and often hide the medicine on the grass.
\"The local director of Dignitas just casually said that they have no place to keep anything and that would make a huge difference if they had luggage,\" Feist said . \".
She called it \"a small hole in the bottom of the ship \".
We have successfully provided free drug, social and educational support to these children.
But if they can\'t guarantee their safety, the whole thing will collapse.
She recalled: \"There was a glimmer of dawn in my mind . \"The science-
The focused Dignitas didn\'t find a backpack for the kids, but that\'s something Feist can actually do.
After returning to Canada, the opportunity came soon.
She found a charity called Freecycle, which ships containers full of bicycles to Malawi and can carry backpacks for free.
She also met with Marit Stiles, trustee of the Toronto Regional School Board, who could help her bring her campaign to the local school.
Last year\'s inauguration campaign was a huge success, with 1,000 donated luggage, despite only half of it.
More than a dozen schools, although this figure is supported by a significant contribution by MEC to return luggage (
Original Mountain Equipment CompanyOp).
Sending these packages means that all the donated money can be used for the medical tasks of dignitas, because each package is different, so the children will not be picked out separately for carrying the medicine package.
\"I am interested in creating a tunnel for existing resources,\" said fester, \"perhaps even cultivating a sense of simple human communication and using our little richness to fill a little bit of their deficiency. \".
A teenager in Malawi holds a letter from a Canadian student. (Dignitas)
What she did not consider was what impact it would have on the children here, who understood the challenges faced by peers in the developing world and obtained a \"practical approach\" to social justice \".
\"Every child has a deep connection to their backpack.
They are the totems of school, and actually some students want to put their notes in.
Hi, my name is Ella.
This is my bag for 3 years and I love it so I hope you like it too as it is your bag.
Very simple and beautiful.
\"So thousands of bags went to Malawi and the plan worked really well and Dignitas asked for more.
But this time they need 6,000 backpacks.
Feist is proud to take photos with elementary school students in front of some backpacks last year. (Feist)
Last year, a network of mothers drove their backpacks to several schools in western Toronto --end.
It needs to grow more this year.
\"So far, we have only six schools and basically 54 more.
This is the challenge we face, and I really don\'t know what to do, because moms are really where the momentum is getting stronger, \"said fester, she also wants companies like MEC or Canadian tyres to contribute.
They also have a community collection point at Lion College.
\"I\'m a little worried about how we\'re going to get more,\" admitted fester . \".
\"But parents who read the article may have a chance.
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