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these men with black bags

by:Bestway     2020-02-24
I passed a small town at midnight.
Suddenly, I remembered a colleague who was a general practitioner.
I still don\'t know how he attracted people like this, and I didn\'t know how he managed those people until so late.
As I walked in, I was relieved to see only five to seven patients left.
Suddenly, a young man in formal attire stood up with his black leather bag in his hand.
\"Good evening, sir! ”. “Good morning!
\"What I said was to remind him how late he was working.
This is \"Misra\" and when I was at the institute, he used to come to see me on behalf of a particular multinational company.
So he might have moved to another area.
Maybe he\'s got a promotion and looks richer.
I may not have done anything for him in the past few years, however, in that lonely town, in that lonely moment, it triggered respect and pleasure.
He may have been waiting five hours for a drink.
Talk to my friend for a minute.
I suddenly realized that the two of our doctors together lacked a special human quality that he had-humility and a positive spirit of communication!
Twenty years ago, if you saw a smart young man with a tie, parked his two-wheelers near a hospital or pharmacy, and took out a heavy bag that was always the same shape, he is a proud and helpful medical worker in a certain company.
In those days, happy, smiling, fairly wealthy, and perhaps with a similar total amount of pay (
Salary, bonus, daily allowance, bonus)
As a professor of medicine, he wants to meet.
A mini Santa who prepared a bottle of cough bottle for the registrar, an ointment for the senior nurse, and of course a bag of four for the professor.
Some beautifully carved works embody elegance and have great control over the art of conversation.
Those white big and hanging audiologists pass on the inflated mind residents and miss the basics of how to talk to patients!
Times have changed.
More than 30,000 pharmaceutical companies are registered in India.
Those who do well do a good job.
We may have the largest domestic medical market in the world.
India is the world\'s largest producer of generic drugs.
The hospital has better equipment and better weather protection.
Practice should usually be profitable.
However, these men with black bags may be more competitive in the competition, and the waiting time is the same.
Get less soft words in return due to high tech
Grateful doctors, they may communicate less with patients.
On a prescribed day, you can have 20 of them waiting in your clinic because you are happy with the day being done well.
When everyone comes in, you learn a lot about life, want to open his bag, read the scientific details of his products, remind you again of his main brand, then bow in friendly words, \"Sir, what else can I do for you?
This really cleaned you up.
It\'s a fool for a doctor to write a second-rate product, and a specific company makes the product good enough.
A considerable number of them are patents for new drug delivery systems.
Many more are approved by the FDA.
So, if my choice is so small, why is this man so humble, even more humble than my resident, who relies on me in many ways for certification.
I believe that thanks to this group of ethical sales experts who maintain such humble and even tedious rituals, sometimes cruising alone inside the dark country, arriving in the afternoon by a bus, came back the next morning.
They kept it alive, not so much as the instructions of the headquarters.
Their generations pass it on to each other as a secret of survival, as they may pass on to each other carrying mosquito coils and resistance
Diarrhea pills when they go to specific interiors.
Yes, these are the people they stand and wait.
In Indian medicine, some kind of shift in marketing and detail practice is very obvious
Pharmaceutical industry today
The above practices are the hallmark of top multinational corporations and the result of their first archive of infantry improvisation and experiments in the field, more of a trend, in fact, the routine of Indian pharmaceutical companies.
Top Indian entrepreneurs are usually hardcore pharmacists who can play with drug delivery systems like USPs.
Others are those who have worked with multinational companies for a period of time in the \"field\", in addition to keeping close doctor parties where they begin to deal with the doctor\'s psychology, maybe more if business makes sense. (
However, this is not the main content of this topic. )
Some Indian companies only promote from their sales talents, such as in the army, it is always wise to have an infantry, commando or artillery as captain --of-staff!
I adore these boys but do not approve of the physical and mental stress that they have been experiencing for generations.
Their talents will definitely be e-
May become the retail giants of the new retail outlets Google, FB, etc.
By the way, how many of us realize
Brand Retail entry. By e-
Not Wal-Mart. mart way. Great!
Competition will intensify and quality will have the right to package global prices.
More investment may be transferred to farmers and people who produce raw materials.
Pharmaceutical multinationals in India have suffered because they have chosen MBAs, a more friendly and eloquent coffee partner.
Etiquette and language on the court are put aside.
Top man to the simplest connection (
But potential contribution)
The doctor is lost.
When others move in, no matter how smart, the table on the top floor is left to financial or basic scientists.
The day of the Test match is over.
The attention period, shelf life and market life of drugs are getting shorter and shorter.
Indian multinationals may do a good job of keeping old fighters or growing new crops.
Of course, they may also turn to their niche research products.
The story is about the person in a medical salesman and how one aspect of him develops the other.
Many years ago, I saw Mr. Sarin of a multinational company being driven out of my professor\'s room.
Later, I saw him in the canteen, drinking coffee quietly.
I said I\'m sorry for what happened.
He just smiled and picked up the black bag and left.
I saw him last month.
Relax in retirement;
He seems to have done a good job in his life.
He came to me suddenly. “Hi doc!
This is the answer to this question 25 years ago.
Lose what you may lose, but never lose your smile.
We all sell things, don\'t we?
\"You will always be a better person than me, Mr Sarin!
\"This line in Urdu, though it has changed:\" Kuchi Kohtu, Kuchi Bihari Daveen/Saman Mir Gaal Sai
After my death, some correspondence with the doctor, some wandering \"samples\", were restored from my home! )
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