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fastest recycled t-shirt tote bag

by:Bestway     2020-03-05
You\'re looking for a great, low
Do cost recovery projects at home or with the team? This is IT!
This is the team t-last season-
Shirts or event T-shirts of the previous yearshirts! Re-
I don\'t want t-
Today\'s shirt, it\'s easy to turn the shirt backUseful handbag.
Only two quick seams and some quick cuts--
You\'re done! These t-
The shirt totes is strong and washable!
For groceries, library books, tennis, gym clothes or pool supplies--
For anything you need to carry! Did You Know. . . .
Plastic shopping bags are usually used for less than 30 minutes and are recycled for only 1% of the time.
American adults use about 288 bags a year on average, with an average life span of 22,000. . .
Manufacturing and using recycled T-
Wear a shirt today!
* Source: 2008 pitmont Environmental Alliance, NCThis is my first note-
Thank you for any comments.
I\'m doing this recycling project for my Girl Scout Gold Medal
I hope to share this information as many people as possible!
Thank you for your attention.
Update: Thank you for your support and encouragement-
I successfully completed the Gold Medal project for my Girl Scout!
Thank you for spreading the word for me.
Just say no to paper or plastic!
Collect the following supplies :-
Cotton T heavyshirt (
Heavy weight fabric and youth size for XL or adult S or M best fit)~ 3-
5 Direct SalesPencil or pen-Dinner plate-Scissors -
Sewing machine-Choose an old t-
Shirt, flat on the table.
Cut the sleeves with scissors---
Make sure you leave the seams in place--
This keeps your tote bag strong! -
Place a plate halfway through the neck opening of the shirt.
Track the plate with a pencil or pen.
This will be the cutting line you make the opening for the tote bag.
Track the wire cut with scissors.
-Turn the T-
Inside and outside the shirt, nailed to the bottom of the T-shirtshirt--along the hem---closed. -
Sewing the bottom of T-with sewing machine
Close the shirt hem.
Reinforce your tote bag by sewing on this seam for the second time! -
Your bag is sewn now!
As a change, you can consider adding a \"corner brace\" to the bottom corner \"--
As several commenters have said
This is where you go through the corners at right angles so that the bottom of the bag has more depth than just flat ----
It is \"box\" in the corner of the handbag \". -
Another change that needs to be considered. . . .
See the picture of the pink T-shirt tote bag below.
My friend and I added pockets to the tote bag by using cut-off sleeve pieces and making them into pockets.
We added three pockets on the front of the handbag!
These are more than useful decorations. . .
Next time I add my pockets, I will get them deeper. -
Turn the shirt right. side-out.
You just made your own recycling tote bag!
Fill it up with groceries, gym clothes, Pool Supplies, library books, etc!
Put a convenience in your car! T-
Shirt Totes machine wash, reusable, strong and durable!
Just say no to \"paper or plastic!
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