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how to reduce plastic, foil and other kitchen disposables

by:Bestway     2020-03-06
Disposable items have become the backbone of many American kitchens.
Plastic bags, plastic wrap, paper towels, aluminum foil, plastic straws, etc.
Reducing or even eliminating them can save you money, in addition to reducing the amount of garbage from landfill sites.
\"It\'s easy to get overwhelmed by all this, but it\'s almost no different,\" said Laurie Tyrell, food editor at Martha Stewart Life magazine . \".
\"I spent about 75% of my time in the test kitchen, so I was a good candidate to make a lot of kitchen garbage.
But we have learned some tips to reduce the amount of garbage, \"she said. (
Keep in mind that, in addition to reducing and re-using, recycling is an easy option for many items, including glass, plastic containers, bottles, jars, clean aluminum foil and batteries. )
Some kitchen tips from professionals, Tyrell said: paper towels \"keeping paper towels used at least is one of the things that Martha Stewart really takes seriously . \".
Every work area in the magazine test kitchen is equipped with towels, bar towels (Similar cloth)
A selection of volumes-a-
The size of the paper towel, she said.
The latter is used less.
Tea towels are perfect for drying hands or plates, or folding up to use as hot gloves.
Towels in the bar can be used to handle most of the rubbish.
Paper towels are prepared for messy things like gravy or raw eggs.
\"It would be helpful to put all the towel options in one place, so I suggest you put the rag or bar towel near where the paper towel is stored,\" Tyrell said . \".
She suggested that you may not use towels if they are inconvenient.
If you can\'t quit paper towels, there are now several reusable paper towels made of bamboo and other sustainable materials that can be used multiple times before throwing them away, brady Brossen, editor of an article for a really simple magazine, said.
Recyclable clean paper towels.
Your own canvas or rope tote bag for groceries and other shopping.
Like bar towels, the key is to keep them handy.
\"There are so many types of reusable bags out there, so there is no reason to take home single --
\"We don\'t use plastic shopping bags anymore,\" Tyrell said . \"
Americans throw away about 100 billion plastic bags a year, she said.
Plastic to produce BAGSAvoid plastic production bag by keeping several lightweight mesh bags-
Often with \"more
Use a tight bag
When you go to the grocery store, your wallet, Tyrell says.
\"They are also great for making nut milk or nervous yogurt,\" she added . \".
If your grocery store does not use a packable bag of produce, you can bring some of it yourself.
To avoid plastic packaging on meat or fish, try to have the butcher at the grocery store wrap it in paper, which is biodegradable.
Or bring in a reusable container.
Plastic bags have a wide range of new products that can be used as a replacement for bags.
In short, Broxson recommended a product called Stashers.
Like a zipper.
Top plastic bags, but made of silicon, can be cleaned and reused in the dishwasher.
They are water-dense and can be accessed from the refrigerator to the microwave.
Both Broxson and Tyrell recommend Bee\'s plastic wrap as a replacement for typical plastic wrap.
It is made of fabric coated with a mixture of wax, oil and gum, glued to the top of the bowl and jar.
Like plastic wrap, it fits in all shapes.
Unlike plastic wrap, the plastic wrap can be cleaned and reused and kept sticky for months, Bronson said.
\"It\'s not so good to wrap something like a tuna sandwich, where parchment or aluminum foil might be better.
But it\'s great to be a container, or to pack more dry food or sandwiches, \"she said.
The aluminum foil, Broxson said, \"Fortunately, unbleached parchment is very effective in baking and baking, as well as packing sandwiches and snacks\" and is biodegradable.
\"If you have to use aluminum foil, you can roll it into a ball and use it as a washing sponge for the baking tray and use it again before throwing it away, she suggests.
Clean aluminum foil can be recycled without food residue.
Many shops now sell recycled aluminum foil.
Tyrell said that the test kitchen of Martha Stewart life has changed from a plastic straw to a stainless steel straw.
\"I carry my own titanium forks and spoons with nylon connectors so they can even be used as pliers. They\'re super-
\"It\'s light and cool,\" she said . \".
Better than plastic.
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