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no-sew leather tote bag with interchangeable art panels

by:Bestway     2020-06-03
I originally came up with an idea to make a reversible leather tote bag so you can have a different design inside and outside.
Then, once I created a size design, I realized that it required a lot of leather to make the project expensive.
The idea, therefore, came out of economic need, and it still allows to retain the concept of multiple designs while reducing the use of leather.
So now in order to have a new design on a new day, it\'s just a small replaceable part, which is much cheaper to produce.
Also, I would like to create a project where I can share the craft of leather articles with beginners, so I decided that sewing/stitching/lace is not allowedgo (
For this project)
Everything needs to be assembled in a simple way.
So No was born-
Leather tote bag with interchanged art board seam.
Some materials, discoveries and tools were used for this project.
You may or may not be exposed to these materials or tools, but most can be replaced with something similar.
The first step of all good projects is an idea.
When you have the idea, you need to write it on paper so that you can start to determine the size, the required material and any other relevant information.
So, I have outlined some rough design ideas.
Note: due to material size limitations, these must be modified later in the project & once the idea is fleshed out in your sketch, it must be fully modified, you can go ahead and create the paper template \"test\" package directly from there.
However, in my case, I added an intermediate step to create the schema for the package on the computer (
I plan to cut all parts with laser). See .
The AI file at the bottom of this step (
Contains the size of each component).
After creating the package pattern on my computer using Adobe Illustrator, I import the design file into my laser software (
LaserWeb3, open source project)
Cut out the paper precisely.
This may be a bit overdone, but why not when you can?
You can cut your paper with scissors or craft knives.
Once you have cut off your paper \"test\" package, you will want to assemble it (using sticky-tape)
In order to test whether its size is appropriate, the holes matched by the rivets/staples, whether the length of the strap is appropriate, etc.
You may need to cut 2 sets of your paper \"test\" bag parts, so you can assemble a set & keep a set that is not assembled to be used for positioning on the leather, to determine if the bag is suitable.
Note: my first attempt at this step resulted in a bag that was too big for the kangaroo skin/leather piece I had, so since you have tested the bag, I have to modify the design and shrink aspects of the package (with paper)
Make sure everything is the right size and you can start cutting pieces from the leather.
I can\'t stress making sure everything is tested first (
Because the leather is too expensive to make any stupid mistakes).
Safety warning: At this point in any case, you will use something dangerous or potentially harmful: a knife or a laser cutter.
Please pay attention to and comply with the necessary safety precautions.
In my case, when I plan to laser cut all the parts and assembly holes (
For rivets/Staples)
, I roughly cut the leather into pieces that fit a single package assembly.
About the size I can do at one time, my laser cutting machine is also limited (330 x 230 mm).
Once I cut all the parts roughly, I took out every piece & put it in my laser cutter to cut the final exact shape.
Note: If you are unable to use the laser cutter, you can manually cut all the parts into the correct size using your craft knife at this step, I used another function of my laser.
I use the laser engraving ability to engrave the image on the art board.
This is actually a very time consuming process, so sit down and watch the movie and watch the laser with a fire extinguisher (
Don\'t want to burn the house).
Note: If you are unable to use a laser engraver, you can transfer your art to leather using the traditional method (e. g.
Rotary knife, diagonal edge, ground)
Note: For the artwork of my 1st art group, I used an old nautical map drawn by someone named Ortelius around 1570 (
See: Abraham Ortelius on Wikipedia. com).
The original image I use is complete
Color so I have to do some preparation
Process in Photoshop to remove the color and keep the outline of the land block/text on the map.
For the work of the 2nd Art Group, I intend to use da Vinci\'s \"vitruvians\" sketch (
Vitruvi on Wikipedia. com)
However, it turned out to be a pain
The process of removing the background parchment paper while retaining the shadows and details on the man\'s face.
So, I came up with the idea of using structures.
Com robot logo & incorporate him into the \"vitruvians\" style (
So extra arms and legs).
Also note: You may notice two of my images (Maps and robots
It is backward compared to the engraved image.
This is because my laser has carved everything that is mirrored (
The reason has not been determined).
For the art board, the best way I decided to transfer the color is to spray the dye onto the leather.
To do this, you want to start with light colors and accumulate them continuously to the desired effect.
You can always add more, but you can\'t take away what you \'ve dyed.
So in order to achieve this result, I mixed the leather dye with the methyl spirits to dilute it and reduce the color.
This ratio is very close, but close to 1: 10 (
Dyes: Spirits of methylation).
Before spraying, I covered my back with the painter\'s masking tape and prepared all the work.
This is to prevent any dye from entering the back fibers of the leather (
I want to leave nature).
I also used about 100% methylation spirits to remove any soot residue around the laser cut/hole.
Then it took me a few hours to spray on the art show board.
I\'m by no means an expert in spray brushing, so I\'ll let you find other guidance to teach you how to spray.
After spraying the art board, I continued to spray all the main bag panels with a light brown color.
After all dyes have enough time to dry, you can continue to seal them with a leather lacquer or closure.
I got my panel dry overnight and after about 12 hours I got back to the paint.
Actually, as a spray brush technique, you might be back in about 4 hours (
Mixed with methylation spirits)
The dye on the leather is very dry.
So apply your paint on the leather with a sponge or brush.
I used a sponge on the art board and then used a sponge brush on the rest of the bag panel/strap.
Don\'t Rush (like I did)
When your art board looks darker after being painted.
It turns out that this is only a temporary effect before the paint surface dries (
Again, I left it to dry overnight).
Now the real fun begins.
You can start assembling the bag and watch it take shape in front of your eyes, really!
In this step, we use pressing studs and rivets, as well as the setter/anvil tools and hammers associated with them.
You will want to make sure you do it on a very solid surface.
I use a hard block to rest my iron bucket while setting up the rivets/staples.
You can almost start by placing the rivets and setting them up, however, in this particular design, the front and back panels have flaps that go through the bottom and sides.
You will want to make sure that you place the corner rivets outside before all sides are connected as the corner rivets need to go through all 3 layers of leather.
Make sure to set the press stud \"bottom\" piece on the front panel of the package, and then for the art panel you will set the press stud \"top\" piece.
You have finished your bag now, so it\'s time to hang it on the tree and take some photos.
I hope you enjoy reading this item & it inspires you to go to leather making.
Please add any questions or comments below & I will get back to you as soon as possible.
This is 2016 of the Tandy Leather competition.
If you like my entries, please vote for me.
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