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not your grandparents\' vocational school: a green wave is making an impact on what students are learning and where they\'re headed.

by:Bestway     2019-11-04
* Produce biodiesel fuel.
* Establish a ground wire-
Dome greenhouse
* Measure the environmental impact of abandoned industrial canals.
These may be suitable for cutting tasks.
Fringe companies specializing in green technology, or they can be part of advanced science and engineering courses such as MIT or California Institute of Technology.
On the contrary, all these programs belong to the daily learning system of some vocational and technical education students (CTE)
Public high school.
Used to be called profession
Technical schools, these institutions have been known for cultivating automotive mechanics, carpenters and beauticians, and graduates from dozens of other industries.
The recent \"greening\" of such schools\"-
Provide students with employment opportunities in areas such as renewable energy, recycling, environmental engineering and sustainable agriculture, and bring environmental practices to more traditional industries ---
The face and results of vocational training are being changed.
The environmental technology of Worcester technology, the Green Energy Institute of Bloomfield Technology, New Jersey, and Newton\'s \"green engineering\" projects (Mass. )
Public schools have not only opened up new areas,
They will also send most of the graduatesyear and four-year colleges.
In addition, these initiatives provide fertile soil for aSTEM courses that other high schools have just begun to implement (see sidebar).
Although many of these projects-
And projects in more traditional industries. -
Provided by regional CTE schools, in some cases, including students from more than a dozen surrounding high schools, and others by individual regions.
They all have their own supervisors, principals and project coordinators.
Most advisory groups are also composed of delegates from industry, commerce and labor.
Group members let the school know about changes in a given industry standard and equipment, such as building or HVAC.
Some programs are set at individual comprehensive high schools such as Laguna Creek High School, California.
Inevitably, the Green Movement appears in vocational-oriented schools, which is not surprising to Bree, executive director of the Association for vocational and technical education, in January (ACTE)
Focus on high school and post-secondary education institutions across the country.
\"The development of technical education is just as it is in the country and elsewhere,\" said Bree . \".
\"Electricians need to be able to install solar panels.
Sustainable development is an important part of agriculture.
These factors need to be integrated into the curriculum.
\"The industry is changing and it is very important for our vocational and technical schools to stay ahead,\" added Judy Savage, executive director of the New Jersey Vocational and Technical Commission.
A technical school representing 21 regional schools in the state.
\"Students need to have a good understanding of how architecture interacts with the environment.
This is what customers want.
\"In June, when the National Association of Directors of nursing Technology Education issued a set of CTE common standards, the group company Green/sustainable development standards for six\" care clusters \", including buildings and buildings;
Agriculture, food and natural resources;
Transportation, distribution and logistics.
The author of the new guide wrote: \"The concept of standards is to inject gray areas that affect departments and jobs that already exist . \".
\"For example, a student of a building and building CTE project will learn the knowledge and skills involved in building a house.
Through the infusion of green standards, students will also learn how to use recycled materials or design energy
Efficient features of the home.
\"In 2012, Todd menadir took a course in Bloomfield Technology in New Jersey, and four years ago he did not wait for formal standards to create the green energy Academy in Bloomfield technology.
Centered on clean energy power generation, energy efficiency and energy conservation, the project graduated from its first advanced course this spring.
The focus on energy comes from early collaboration with utilities PSE & G, a major power and gas supplier in New Jersey where the renewable energy industry is growing.
Menadier said: \"They realize that most of their employees are ready and that our courses are directly related to the skills, knowledge, content and needs of the industry.
The \"industry\" here includes not only the utility industry, but also the solar panel to the high
Efficient boiler.
Students from the Green Energy Academy installed a series of solar panels in the school to generate electricity and built a 55-
The Gallonbiodiesel reactor converts waste vegetable oil into fuel and has designed a \"smart greenhouse\" designed to efficiently maintain the temperature, moisture and lighting required for organic crops in the greenhouse.
The greenhouse, which includes a survey dome, is the apex project of 20 elderly people in the class in 2012.
The students brainstorm for the design and everyone takes on a special project to run the system from installing heating or lighting to designing a watering system or remote control.
The approach taken by these students permeates other projects at Bloomfield Institute of Technology, and students of carpentry, construction and electrical projects participate in the production of finished products.
\"Vocational and Technical schools have the ability to do this well,\" observed Menadier . \".
Take Bloomfield technology as an example, New Jersey Vocational and Technical Commission
The technical school launched a green energy pilot program at six CTE schools last year.
\"The use of alternative energy and energy conservation has aroused great interest among young people.
\"People are very interested in the solar industry and geothermal energy,\" Savage reported . \".
\"These areas are fresh, new and sexy compared to being a first-line employee of a power company or a technician of a power plant.
\"Except for two students who entered the United States. S.
The Navy was a member of the first graduating class at Bloomfield technology, 16 of whom entered higher educationrelated majors.
Menadier noticed that two of the students studied engineering at Rutgers University and the other student majoring in aerospace engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology.
Let green work in Worcester, Massachusetts.
At the same time, the development of Worcester Technology environmental technology project and six years ago 104-year-
An old State Vocational Schoolof-the-art,440,000-square-
1,400 students were distributed across 24 different career programs.
Kyle Brenner, career and career Director
The technical education department at Worcester Institute of Technology said that the new building and its green part have become part of the environmental technology curriculum.
\"The concept of green energy plays a role in design, building materials, energy
\"Efficient insulation and photovoltaic arrays on the roof, all of which save 20% of energy use,\" Brenner said . \".
Edwin Cowling, chairman of the school\'s General Advisory Committee, pointed out that with their surrounding environment as a reference, even students in traditional industries have improved their understanding of energy conservation, composed of delegates from trade unions, businesses, industries and colleges.
The woodworker learns insulation.
In pipeline engineering, they are committed to improving the efficiency of water flow.
\"In the electrical sector, they focus on energy conservation,\" said Coughlin . \" He added that students in the car store work on hybrid cars and are now using less --toxic water-
Basic products of Applyingauto finishes.
\"These students have been well exposed [
Togreen practices].
\"Students have also been exposed to projects in the surrounding community, the most impressive of which is for a low-Income families.
The new house meets the American house. S.
LEED of the Green Building Committee (
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, globally recognized Green
Building certification systemstandards.
It also has high
Efficient burners for heating, photovoltaic panels on the outside of the building and super thermal insulation materials.
As part of continuing education, students must meet with delegates from gas, water and power companies.
\"They have to communicate their needs and problems to these utilities,\" said Coughlin . \".
\"How do you design windows, egressess, or even inner doors, for example, so that you don\'t lose heat if the kids open the back door. \" The 35-
Student Environmental technology programs are also sought
World applications and alliances.
Students label birds supervised by the Massachusetts Wildlife Federation, maintain several trails for the state\'s wildlife and wildlife division in nearby protected areas, and work with the United StatesS.
S. Department of Agriculture has positioned the invaded Asian longhorn beetle.
In a similar way, the adjacent Blackstone Valley Area Vocational and Technical High School is located in Upton, Mass.
It is of great help to students to publish their knowledge and work.
They analyzed the contents of the former industrial canal on state-owned land.
They also conducted an energy audit of communities and urban buildings to help them get funding for energy
Efficient decoration.
Some students get paid for installing solar panels for a local company that makes solar panels in the summer.
Michael Fitzpatrick, head of Blackstone Valley, said: \"There is a sense of ownership and giving back to their community . \" Who noted that these efforts also help students build an e-portfolio with an eye on university admissions and scholarships.
It was Newton\'s turn to the director, Gracie Stefano chinos (Mass. )
The innovation laboratory of public schools has seen fouryear-
This fall, his \"greengering\" program has grown to more than 400 students.
The laboratory negotiates and shares STEM courses with schools across the country.
Chinosi said the project is mainly based on the reuse of existing materials and the teaching of \"cradle-to-
During the Cradleengineering process, everything you design has a second and third life design.
\"This is a huge global movement in the field of design and engineering,\" Chinosi added . \".
To illustrate this, greengering\'s students built an abiodiesel machine and got used grease from the local seafood chain to turn it into fuel.
In addition, through arrangements with the local branch of national food retailer Whole Foods, students convert these reusable plastic grocery handbags into a range of iPad covers, umbrellas, snowboard covers and grill covers
As the program is set up in one of Newton\'s integrated high schools, students allocate time between the greengering program and the general high school curriculum
AP science courses included-In the afternoon
For example, Chinosi says his students need to understand mechanical engineering to make biodiesel machines and learn thermodynamics and fluid dynamics to handle oil stains, liquid fuels produced by mobile machines.
So far, the school of green energy technology at Laguna Creek High School, which has graduated from two classes, is also located in a comprehensive high school.
Among other achievements, students screamed at the \"Solar Suitcases\" they sent to rural medical clinics around the world \". The 34-
Student suitcase-
Solar panels built, 12-
Volt batteries and students-
Building equipment for conversion of energy used as electricity.
In addition, colleagues at the college said
Coordinator ErikJohnson, more than half of the students are considered at risk of graduating from high school before entering school.
\"All of our graduates have received post-secondary education,\" Johnson reported . \"
\"We really pushed this forward.
\"Those involved in the green initiative for technology education insist that these methods are the beginning of a big deal and they will stay.
Brenner of Worcester Technology said: \"Today\'s buildings need green energy, whether it\'s solar or photovoltaic, installing super insulation materials, or using high power
High efficiency burner.
We are responsible for the community, which is in an environment where there is no good request.
ACTE\'s Ray in January predicted a surge in green technology projects.
\"I think they will increase because it will come from the students,\" she said . \".
\"They want to inject sustainability into their projects.
They will eventually become decision makers.
\"Ran Schaehter is a special writer in the district administration. ----------
Please note: some tables or numbers are omitted in this article.
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