
One stop solution service provider for all kinds of Leather Bags, Handbags And Briefcases

pearson airport staff left holding the bag(s)

by:Bestway     2019-10-23
Air Canada employee No. \"small wallets are allowed . \"1 explained.
\"But what they are talking about is \'Little purse\'-what is \'small \'?
Asked Air Canada staff. 2. Employee No.
Found a leather bag with a headscarf.
A woman in a seat in the United StatesS.
Departure area of Terminal 1 of Pearson International Airport. To a non-purse-
It looks big carrying a male observer.
\"Look,\" said the employee . \"
\"Her wallet is-sorry, can I see your wallet there?
Lift it up?
The woman agreed.
Employee number: \"This is very small . \"1 said firmly.
\"Do you know the big companies people have now?
\"Here, as an explanation, she held her hand in front of her, about 1 feet apart. \"But what size?
By employee number2.
\"They never gave us the size.
Employees Agree No \". 1.
\"They just said,\" small wallet \'.
It depends on their judgment.
Passengers at Pearson airport flew from Canada to the United States on Wednesday. S.
Trapped airline staff are forced to help them, and it is better to solve the problem first --
A student of philosophy or an existential playwright.
According to the rules of CanadaU. S.
The Canadian Department of Transport does not carry the flight specified on Monday-
Luggage is allowed-except for \"small purse\" or \"tote bag\" or laptop bag.
But how small is \"small?
If the laptop bag is also a backpack, is it a laptop bag or a backpack?
What does a wallet bring to it?
The most important and annoying thing is: why? Why? Why?
\"I don\'t think it will make any difference,\" said Jennifer Morrison, 26 . \".
\"This is ridiculous.
\"28-year-old flight partner Colin Taylor took her laptop bag as she approached the check --in counter;
He had to carry it with him because she already had a wallet.
Morrison said an airline employee told her that books and magazines she had stored in her laptop bag were acceptable, although the new rules said only computer accessories were allowed.
\"As long as we don\'t have a lot of books,\" Taylor said . \".
\"That\'s what she said,\" Morrison added . \". Women with not-so-
Small wallets oppose suggestions that those wallets may not be \"small.
Nikki Kaplan, 36, said: \"It\'s not that big . \" He flew to Los Angeles with a bag with at least four pockets.
\"I think this is a small wallet,\" said L . \"A.
Erica Martin, resident
Miller is holding something that can be said to be a big bag.
\"Have you seen some of the wallets they sell now?
\"Australia\'s Rola Chamoun is waiting in line for the plane, with a Prada bag hanging on her shoulder ready to fly to Las Vegas.
She said that if she was told that she could not accept it on the plane, she would definitely complain to someone else.
\"I need to accept that,\" she said . \" Her face was serious.
\"That\'s my handbag.
\"None of Air Canada\'s employees wanted to be named, and they said security guards did reject women whose wallets were considered too big, although none of them could say how many times this happened. At the check-
At the counter the staff handed out a note to tell youS. -
They can carry and cannot carry things.
These notes explain the medical supplies very well, baby.
Care items, cameras, coats, crutches and musical instruments are still acceptable.
And, for the benefit of visual learners, above the word \"small wallet\"-the word \"small\" is underlined-is a picture of a wallet.
I don\'t know how big the wallet is.
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