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rfid spychips! grocery store surveillance

by:Bestway     2019-10-23
Mike Banks\'s privacy storm over RFID chips. . . American . . .
RFID represents Radio. . . . . .
This will become a term. . .
Well known usage. . .
Mike Banks\'s RFID chip privacy storm Valentine\'s Day American consumer RFID represents radio frequency identification, a term that will become more and more known with the popularity of new technologies.
There is no doubt that tiny chips capable of tracking physical goods from assembly lines to warehouses to retail stores to cash registers will replace barcodes previously used for this purpose.
Some RFID chips are small and can hardly be separated from dust in many cases.
Photo link: These dust-sized RFID chips are capable of transmitting their own SKUs (
Sales holding unit)
, The same information as currently encoded in the barcode, up to 20 feet from the \"RFID reader.
But that\'s not all these small chips can do.
They are able to send a unique serial number that identifies the item it is embedded in
Specific to the date and place of production.
Bar codes are limited to carrying information that identifies the product category.
RFID carries information equivalent to product DNA, while providing a number for every item on Earth!
When the item passes through the \"RFID Reader\" at the door of the manufacturer, the tracking system knows that the item has been sent out of the building.
Another reader signals that it has now been transported to the warehouse by train or plane, another reader tracks the arrival and storage of information, and then a continuous reader knows that it is through a truck, retail check-grocery shelf
Stand outside the door.
All of this can be done without opening containers, thus saving huge costs throughout the \"supply chain.
Privacy issues do not arise until the consumer links the chain.
Wal-Mart now requires its 100 largest suppliers to use RFID tags at the pallet level.
This means that these labels are currently in use to identify and track a set of products when they arrive at the Wal-Mart warehouse until they are on the shelves at this large retailer.
Some products, such as Gillette razors, have been testing tracking of individual items before they are finally sold and removed from Wal-Mart stores.
Privacy advocates have slowed this by boycotting Gillette.
If privacy issues that track individual product sales through the store cause the implementation of this technology to slow down, what can we expect when each product is labeled RFID?
There is no doubt that this will come in the next 5 years, not in the distant future.
The US Department of Defense now requires all suppliers to use RFID technology by next year and embed tags in products sold to the US military.
Clearly, there is little or no protest against privacy intrusion technologies by military and government personnel, as the government is rarely expected to respect \"internal privacy\"house\".
But if all military suppliers are forced to use RFID chips in every item sold to the military and in millions of supplies used --
2005 by next year-
There is no doubt that the entire US government will soon implement the same policy on Uncle Sam\'s purchases and all items used by government employees.
Large retailers like Wal-Mart are increasingly asking suppliers to use RFID technology.
The German Metro Group, which operates 2300 stores in Europe and Asia, has made the same demands for its suppliers.
Metro Group goes further on the RFID side and runs what they call a \"future store\" where shoppers don\'t need to take items out of their shopping cart to pay for it.
They just go through the RFID reader and all the items will be counted and paid.
Metro stores provide consumers with \"loyalty cards\" for RFID tags, which are identified by reading in wallets and wallets when consumers are in and out of 2300 Metro stores.
Business weekly articles on Metro future stores protest target stores announced this month that they will also ask suppliers to put RFID tags on pallet and box levels by 2005.
Privacy-loving Americans may not represent the \"Big Brother\" meaning of the system used by German retail chains. An anti-
The RFID site, launched by privacy advocates, is called \"Spychips\" because the chip is able to track consumers and link their buying habits to other personally identifiable information.
A recent article by technical commentator Jeffrey Harrow gives a chilling description of how RFID technology has betrayed consumer behavior and linked their buying habits to a huge database.
Harrow is a consultant and analyst for emerging technologies.
He often commented on the privacy implications associated with the implementation of emerging technologies. -------------------------------------------------------------
Harrow painted a poignant picture of the RFID reader.
\"The problem is that there are a lot of these sensors. . .
You will also notice the passing of the unique ID of your car key;
The unique ID of the driver\'s license, even the unique ID of each dollar in the wallet. . . .
If the main computers of all chain stores and computers of smaller stores provide a lot of random information, such as marketing companies, or other stores on your way (
Of course it is charged)
Or provide a very detailed picture of \"you\" to government organizations as required-
Your travel habits, your consumption habits (
Do you remember those separate dollar notes? )
Almost everything about you can be mixed, matched, and anatomical in a way that you may or may not agree.
This could be the final \"data mining\" warehouse.
\"Harrow technical report RFID is only publicly discussed by technology enthusiasts like Harrow and some privacy advocates who are concerned about the meaning of\" data mining warehouse.
But as these RFID chips replace barcodes in the coming years, we will hear the voice of privacy advocates as the impact of big brother becomes clearer to consumers.
Mark your calendar in early 2005 and be ready for the upcoming storm of privacy issues that could reach the scale of the hurricane.
Article tag: Rfid chip, privacy advocate, source of Rfid technology: free article of ArticlesFactory.
Com about author Mike Banks Valentine, who is an online journalist, who covers privacy issues, on which, you can learn about the impact of the auto event data recorder or EDR, computer spyware USA Patriot Act on TIA, GLB, and privacy.
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