
One stop solution service provider for all kinds of Leather Bags, Handbags And Briefcases

by design; for tote bags, a slim fit

by:Bestway     2020-06-05
To complement the unstructured clothing that is easy this fall, the tote bag should be stylish and slim.
High-heeled shoes are popular and there is no need to wear more shoes;
There should be room for documents and reading materials ---
This is ideal anyway.
The new collection of handbags from Lambertson/Truex sets the style for modern tight-fitting handbags.
Its range in Bergdorf is black leather or calf hair and leopard-
Calf hair ($400 to $465).
Bergdorf\'s also has Fendi\'s nylon jersey tote bag ($350).
Department store Barnes, New York by Dries Van Noten ($525 and $550)
In its collection of private labels ($295).
There is a crocodile in Henry Bendel\'s own collection.
Leather tote bag ($248).
We also have leather handbag Furla ($328)
Super fiber bag of Isabelle Fiore ($178)
And Nakano and Yu ($228).
Two flat Pitts in dujiabana ($455 and $510)
Neiman Marcus.
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A version of this article was printed on page 8 of the National edition Bongo on October 6, 1998, with the title: by design;
For handbags, slim.
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