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High-flying Delhi thief in railway cop net | Mumbai News - Times of India

by:Bestway     2019-10-30
Mumbai: Philippine police have arrested 27 peopleyear-
Old Delhi residents with a house, a car and two cars
Driver, because of theft in a long timeDistance train.
Police say the accused Raghusuman Khosla has adopted a unique modus operandi: he will fly to Mumbai and board the plane first --class air-
The air-conditioned compartment of the train.
He will only target female passengers and steal their wallets and handbags.
However, Khosla always throws away the phone in his wallet to make sure he is not tracked.
The accused was detained by police until February 5.
Police said he admitted about seven theft cases were committed in Kalyan and Dadar.
The police have recovered valuables worth Rs 16 from him and plan to contact their counterparts in Delhi, Ludiana and Jhansi, where Khosla allegedly committed similar crimes.
Khosla is from Punjab and has been living in the Wazirabad area of Delhi for the past 10 years.
He married the divorced man, who had four children.
Police say most of Khosla\'s income has died in gambling.
However, he owns a house with air.
Conditioner and other accessories in Delhi.
His child is learning English.
Secondary schools, media sources say.
His family is not aware of his criminal activities because he will tell them that he is going on a business trip before going out for theft.
Somnath Tambe, senior police inspector at Kalyan rp, said, \"In the past six months, there have been cases of first-class coach theft of long-distance trains between Kalyan and Dadar stations.
After studying the modus operandi, we formed a group of two policemen.
\"Tambe claims that he also learned from his sources that someone in Delhi had come to the Zaveri market to sell gold jewelry.
Tambi hired his informant to spy on him and found him on a long trip. Distance train.
Tambe suspects his role in the theft case and asks his team to follow the man.
On January 27, the team followed Khosla and found that he had transferred three trains between Kalyan and Dadar stations.
He was arrested after getting off the bus from Kalyan\'s Konark Express as he stole the phone of a female commuter.
\"The defendant said that he used to fly to Mumbai frequently and that after stealing valuables he would sell them at the Zaveri market.
Tembe says he claims to be a businessman in gold trading.
The official added that Khosla used to stay at the hotel, shop in the mall and donate his old clothes to beggars.
Government Railway Police (GRP)
A Delhi resident, who owns a car and two motorcycles, has been arrested and will fly to Mumbai to steal things on long-distance trains.
He will only aim at the Lady\'s wallet traveling on an air-conditioned bus and always throw his cell phone to make sure he is not tracked.
Officials said that the 27-year-old Raghusuman Khosla had been detained by the police until January 5 and that so far he had admitted about seven cases in the Kalyan and Dadar areas, but they expect to find more cases because.
Police say they also plan to contact police in Delhi, Ludiana and Jhansi, where he has committed too many similar cases.
Khosla is from Punjab province, but since living in the Vazirabad area of Delhi for the past 10 years, he has married a divorced woman with four children, including two of his own,
Police say Khosla lost his income because of gambling, but he managed to get a four-wheelbarrow and two-wheelers.
Wheels and air-
After turning to crime, a conditional house located in the Vazirabad area of Delhi.
He is educating his two sons in English. medium school.
Interestingly, when he is out of town, he will tell his family that he is going on a business trip and then target women in first class coaches in Mumbai, Delhi, ludianna and Jhansi city.
Somnath Tambe, senior police officer at Kalyan rp, said, \"In the past six months, there has been an increase in theft of first class coaches for long-distance trains between Kalyan and Dadar railway stations, he accused them of using similar modus operandi to keep women in their wallets.
Tambe claimed, \"after studying the modus operandi, we formed a team of two police officers, including police chief Satish Shirsagar and Constable Ranjit Rascal.
In a simultaneous investigation, Tambe claimed that he also learned from his sources that someone in Delhi had been to Zaveri bazaar (
Famous gold market in southern Mumbai
Sell his gold property.
After getting a clue from a Delhi businessman, Tambe watched him through his informant and found him traveling on a long train.
After that, Tambe doubted his role in the case of theft and briefed the two police officers on the accused\'s personality.
Shirsagar said, \"at Kalyan-
Last Monday, Dada train station, we managed to chase Khosla in the first class of the long train, but when we wanted to catch him, the raid handed us, we watched him on the train. he changed three trains between Kalyan.
Dada, but after he stole the phone of a lady commuter, we arrested him after getting off the konark Express train at Kalyan railway station \".
\"In the course of the investigation, we were shocked because the defendant claimed that he used to travel by plane because of the crime, after stealing valuables, he will sell at Zaveri bazaar first and then fly to Delhi \". added, Tambe.
During the stay, the defendant will stay at the hotel, change his clothes after shopping in the mall and donate his old clothes to the beggars on the road.
SSC pass Raghusuman Khosla has been a repeat since childhood.
That is why he is separated from the Punjab family.
He has been living in Delhi for the past 10 years and married a divorced woman.
He has two motorcycles, cars and houses working in Delhi: Delhi resident Raghusuman Khosla will fly to Mumbai and the head of the board\'s first-level communication coachdistance train.
He will only target female passengers and steal their wallets and handbags.
If the phone is found in the wallet, he will throw away the phone in order to avoid being tracked.
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