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plastic bag manufacturers sue manhattan beach over ban

by:Bestway     2020-06-21
Save the plastic bag Alliance (
No, it\'s not made up)
Sue Manhattan Beach for banning the use of disposable plastic bags, arguing to the judge that the city violated the California Environmental Quality Act. That\'s right --
Plastic bags are not friendly to the environment.
The Daily Breeze has Details: The Save plastic bags Alliance has asked the Los Angeles County High Court judge to dismiss the ban on the grounds that the city has not fully analyzed the environmental impact of the ban and violated the California Environmental Quality Act ban, according to the most recent submission.
The suit also requires the judge to declare that even if the city is to conduct a comprehensive environmental impact report, there is no right to ban plastic bags.
\"In order to protect the environment as fully as possible, it is appropriate and necessary to analyze the potential environmental impact of the regulation in accordance with CEQA,\" the lawsuit said . \". The coalition --
It consists of about 10 plastic retailers and manufacturers-
On July, after the City Council approved the ban, it vowed to sue in the hope of reducing the visual and environmental pollution it considers to be caused by ubiquitous plastic products.
\"They said they would definitely sue,\" said City lawyer Bob Wadden . \" He hasn\'t seen the lawsuit on Monday morning.
\"It would be a surprise if they didn\'t sue ---
A surprise.
\"The coalition plans to sue every city that is trying to ban plastic bags.
At the same time, the ban is being pushed forward on Manhattan Beach. --
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