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donations needed for annual backpacks to bookworms programdonations needed for annual backpacks to bookworms programdonations needed for annual backpacks to bookworms program

by:Bestway     2020-06-25
Seven years after being the administrator of the Bookworm\'s annual Backpack Program, Pattiesue Simsons had a hard time picking out a memory from the time she led the bookworm --to-
School donation initiative.
Simsons insists there are too many moments to choose from.
But as a Cambridge man for a long time
Helping the food bank community outreach staff prepare to retire this year, she can review thousands of joys --
A moment of watching less-
Lucky kids receive brand new backpacks full of school supplies. It’s a feel-
This is a good time to beat, says Simsons.
\"You saw a kid take a backpack and open it and say \'Mom, see what I got!
Although her involvement in the project may be \"bittersweet\", she suspects that the need for a backpack donation program will never end.
Simsons, one of many local community leaders, helped launch this year\'s Bookworm backpack campaign at the Cambridge Times office on Tuesday morning.
Although some people may take it backto-
Buying school supplies is a matter of course, and it is a struggle for many families who barely make a living.
Since the launch of The Bookworm backpack program more than 10 years ago, this demand has only continued to increase.
Last year, 1,013 schools
The backpacks received by older children are filled with everything from lining paper and pencil crayons to scientific calculators and math suits.
\"This is the first time we have more than 1,000 people,\" explained Simsons . \".
In addition to asking for donations of school supplies, volunteers also called for donations of healthy peanuts
There are free snacks for children\'s lunch next school year.
The call came after volunteers realized that nutrition and rest required healthy snacks.
Josh Corrigan, a seventh-grade student at Cambridge, also took part in Tuesday\'s project launch, providing a unique perspective.
Not only 13-year-
For the past three years, students at the old Stewart Avenue Public School volunteer for 30 hours at the food bank every summer, and he has been the recipient of a backpack donation program.
He clearly remembers the day he received his backpack.
Now, Corgan is paying for it by helping distribute school supplies to other children.
\"When they got their backpacks, they had a big smile on their faces,\" he recalls . \".
Items on the donation list sought for this year\'s event include big backpacks for lower grade children, calculators, blank and inlining paper, double angle paper, erasers, glue bottles and sticks, markers, pencils, math groups, calculators, rulers and safety scissors.
Please visit www for the complete list.
Cambridge Food Bankon. ca.
Donations of backpacks and school supplies can be dropped off at the food bank located at Ainslie St 54. S.
Or at a local fire station.
Refund will be allocated in August. 27. CAMBRIDGE -
Seven years after being the administrator of the Bookworm\'s annual Backpack Program, Pattiesue Simsons had a hard time picking out a memory from the time she led the bookworm --to-
School donation initiative.
Simsons insists there are too many moments to choose from.
But as a Cambridge man for a long time
Helping the food bank community outreach staff prepare to retire this year, she can review thousands of joys --
A moment of watching less-
Lucky kids receive brand new backpacks full of school supplies. It’s a feel-
This is a good time to beat, says Simsons.
\"You saw a kid take a backpack and open it and say \'Mom, see what I got!
Although her involvement in the project may be \"bittersweet\", she suspects that the need for a backpack donation program will never end.
Simsons, one of many local community leaders, helped launch this year\'s Bookworm backpack campaign at the Cambridge Times office on Tuesday morning.
Although some people may take it backto-
Buying school supplies is a matter of course, and it is a struggle for many families who barely make a living.
Since the launch of The Bookworm backpack program more than 10 years ago, this demand has only continued to increase.
Last year, 1,013 schools
The backpacks received by older children are filled with everything from lining paper and pencil crayons to scientific calculators and math suits.
\"This is the first time we have more than 1,000 people,\" explained Simsons . \".
In addition to asking for donations of school supplies, volunteers also called for donations of healthy peanuts
There are free snacks for children\'s lunch next school year.
The call came after volunteers realized that nutrition and rest required healthy snacks.
Josh Corrigan, a seventh-grade student at Cambridge, also took part in Tuesday\'s project launch, providing a unique perspective.
Not only 13-year-
For the past three years, students at the old Stewart Avenue Public School volunteer for 30 hours at the food bank every summer, and he has been the recipient of a backpack donation program.
He clearly remembers the day he received his backpack.
Now, Corgan is paying for it by helping distribute school supplies to other children.
\"When they got their backpacks, they had a big smile on their faces,\" he recalls . \".
Items on the donation list sought for this year\'s event include big backpacks for lower grade children, calculators, blank and inlining paper, double angle paper, erasers, glue bottles and sticks, markers, pencils, math groups, calculators, rulers and safety scissors.
Please visit www for the complete list.
Cambridge Food Bankon. ca.
Donations of backpacks and school supplies can be dropped off at the food bank located at Ainslie St 54. S.
Or at a local fire station.
Refund will be allocated in August. 27. CAMBRIDGE -
Seven years after being the administrator of the Bookworm\'s annual Backpack Program, Pattiesue Simsons had a hard time picking out a memory from the time she led the bookworm --to-
School donation initiative.
Simsons insists there are too many moments to choose from.
But as a Cambridge man for a long time
Helping the food bank community outreach staff prepare to retire this year, she can review thousands of joys --
A moment of watching less-
Lucky kids receive brand new backpacks full of school supplies. It’s a feel-
This is a good time to beat, says Simsons.
\"You saw a kid take a backpack and open it and say \'Mom, see what I got!
Although her involvement in the project may be \"bittersweet\", she suspects that the need for a backpack donation program will never end.
Simsons, one of many local community leaders, helped launch this year\'s Bookworm backpack campaign at the Cambridge Times office on Tuesday morning.
Although some people may take it backto-
Buying school supplies is a matter of course, and it is a struggle for many families who barely make a living.
Since the launch of The Bookworm backpack program more than 10 years ago, this demand has only continued to increase.
Last year, 1,013 schools
The backpacks received by older children are filled with everything from lining paper and pencil crayons to scientific calculators and math suits.
\"This is the first time we have more than 1,000 people,\" explained Simsons . \".
In addition to asking for donations of school supplies, volunteers also called for donations of healthy peanuts
There are free snacks for children\'s lunch next school year.
The call came after volunteers realized that nutrition and rest required healthy snacks.
Josh Corrigan, a seventh-grade student at Cambridge, also took part in Tuesday\'s project launch, providing a unique perspective.
Not only 13-year-
For the past three years, students at the old Stewart Avenue Public School volunteer for 30 hours at the food bank every summer, and he has been the recipient of a backpack donation program.
He clearly remembers the day he received his backpack.
Now, Corgan is paying for it by helping distribute school supplies to other children.
\"When they got their backpacks, they had a big smile on their faces,\" he recalls . \".
Items on the donation list sought for this year\'s event include big backpacks for lower grade children, calculators, blank and inlining paper, double angle paper, erasers, glue bottles and sticks, markers, pencils, math groups, calculators, rulers and safety scissors.
Please visit www for the complete list.
Cambridge Food Bankon. ca.
Donations of backpacks and school supplies can be dropped off at the food bank located at Ainslie St 54. S.
Or at a local fire station.
Refund will be allocated in August. 27.
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