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fifth-grader tests 3-d-printed robotic arm to help other kids

by:Bestway     2020-06-19
ST. LOUIS —The soon-to-be 11-year-
Old left the University of Washington Medical School lab with instructions for her new robotic arm: don\'t wet it.
Turn it off when not in use.
Nine to two-volt batteries.
But for a girl who adapts to life with her left hand, there is no instruction manual on how to incorporate this new technology into her life.
It will be up to her to decide.
Researchers at the biological materials laboratory will also try to solve the problem.
Delanie Gallagher\'s Spanish Lake, Mo.
, Is the first of the 10 children the researchers plan to participate in a study to determine how to develop a prosthetic limb, this prosthesis is useful for children born with total or partial limb loss or limb loss through trauma or surgery
Most people end up living without a prosthetic because it lacks functionality and can only get in the way of life.
Among the more than 540,000 Americans living in the upper class
Only about 20% of people use artificial limbs.
Delanie\'s new arm uses muscle-electric technology.
Sensors that detect when the residual end muscles contract and send out a moving signal in the prosthesis.
The technology\'s artificial limbs typically cost from $25,000 to $50,000, which is too expensive for fast
Children growing up
The University of Washington lab creates a hard plastic arm for a month-
D printer for hundreds of dollars.
Muscle electrical technology is simple enough to keep the prosthesis low
Low cost, light weight, there is a sensor that can signal an on or off to the hand, or a turning signal to the wrist.
Nick Thompson, a lab scientist, hopes that this simple route will make it easier for children to accept and use the arm prosthesis.
\"There are a lot of people doing this right now, but they are looking for the fruit on the tree, and Thompson says:\" trying to develop something that is the most powerful and this is where you are closest to the biological limb. \".
\"We are in the opposite direction.
We are looking for something that can be made and modified quickly.
This is our goal.
\"But the biggest problem is how useful it will be.
Delanie proved how the children overcame it.
It\'s hard for her to think of things she can\'t do anymore.
What does she want her new prosthesis to help her?
\"I don\'t know,\" said Delanie . \"
\"I don\'t know what I can do.
Delanie\'s mother, Janet Gallagher, remembers that when Delanie was a baby, she got her first prosthetic leg to help her crawl.
\"She just dragged it,\" Gallagher said . \".
It was quickly thrown aside.
Delanie also has two other artificial limbs that are only used to help her stabilize, drive her bike, raise her fishing rod, or support her bow and arrow.
\"It didn\'t help her,\" Gallagher said . \".
\"She can do better without it.
Using her stumps, Delanie figured out how to color, how to use scissors, how to tie shoes, how to make hair, how to tie a ponytail, and how to play the piano.
She didn\'t need help on a recent day at Gateway College of Science.
She put the book in her backpack, not in her backpack.
When she turned the pencil, she put a pencil sharpener on her elbow.
She played with a piece of clay and made it into a flower between the stump and the hand.
When the teacher sought the answer from the class, she rotated her hair with a stump and raised it high.
At lunch, Delanie tore the open bag with her teeth and propped up the sun on Capri so she could stab it with a straw.
When the English teacher read a book aloud, no one scoffed at a famous saying of a character who had lost part of his leg from a mine: \"Every day, I wish I could get it back.
The fifth of Delaney.
Grade students say they are excited about her new robot arm, but they are used to what she looks like.
\"It will be cool, but without it, she will do a lot of things,\" said Georgia Collier, her best friend . \".
\"Things will be different.
Mr. Gallagher said that she was sometimes worried about her future.
She wants to know how she will drive and whether she will be able to take care of the children.
As she enters her teens, she is thinking of new things like how to hold a hair dryer, make-up and curl her hair.
Delanie liked the look of the new arm very much.
She asked it to be pink with her initials engraved on it.
She named it the rose-pink morning glory.
Charles goldfab, St. plastic surgeon
The Louis Children\'s Hospital says artificial limbs can bring social benefits.
\"Can we help her do more things similar to her peers? Said goldfab.
This may become more important as you grow older.
\"Teenagers want to be like any other teenager,\" he said . \".
Three years ago, the minimally invasive surgery Biological Materials Laboratory was opened at the University\'s medical school.
Its focus is on using 3-
D printer for the creation and testing of the Bioabsorption surgical network.
In 2014, the lab learned about three engineering students who used 3-
D printer create artificial limbs for 13-year-
Old Sydney Kendall, who lost his arm in a boating accident six years ago.
This has triggered work in the laboratory to start using artificial limbs.
\"We asked, \'Can we solve this problem and improve the work of the students?
Said Thompson.
The wires on the arms created by the students for Sydney are attached to the sensors on her shoulders.
She shrugged her shoulders and opened or closed her hands.
She told scientists that the wires are very troublesome and difficult to use.
As a result, the lab has made a prosthetic limb for Sydney, which has an EMG sensor on its socket that can move hands and wrists.
She found it needed a stronger grip and it was heavy.
They printed her again last spring.
This process brings hope.
\"It is reasonable to do this type of research for pediatric patients,\" Thompson said . \".
\"That\'s what we are now.
Scientists hope that research into more children will give them feedback on how to overcome what they call \"Sydney syndrome \"--
Sit in a drawer and collect the dust of the prosthesis.
Participants will complete the questionnaire three months, six months and one year after obtaining the prosthesis.
\"Now we feel like we have a design that is high enough to try it out on multiple patients to see if there is any benefit in using them,\" Thompson said . \".
\"The patient will tell us what direction we need to take in order to get better. ”—St. Louis Post-
Blythe Bernhard contributed to the report.
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