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the hand-crafted louis vuitton bags made on sewing machines

by:Bestway     2020-02-21
The luxury brand Louis Vuitton has misled the public by suggesting that its expensive leather bags are handmade.
According to the advertising watchdog.
Louis Vuitton is a member of the LVMH group, which operates advertising and displays workers who use needle threads and other manual techniques.
The wording highlights the individual\'s attention to the details of each product.
While acknowledging the company\'s use of hand-made, the Bureau of Advertising Standards (ASA)
Because Louis Vuitton also uses sewing machines and does not disclose how much work is done manually, it cannot justify this information.
The ruling is a setback for 156 people. year-
An old French company, in the era of mass production, used its letter bag as an elegant example of craftsmanship.
They are very popular with the rich and famous, for sale at 425 and for 2,400.
These two advertising styles are distinctive, full of Renaissance paintings, featuring models rather than real workers.
A photo of a woman named \"linen and beeswax tailor\" is a woman stitched on the handle of her handbag.
Below the photo, the text reads: \"a needle, linen thread, beeswax, and infinite patience protects each Super needle from moisture and the passage of time. . .
Everyone has received so much attention, should we just call it details?
Another ad says that under a picture of a woman folding in her wallet, \"there are elements in everything in Louis Vuitton that cannot be fully explained. . .
How can five small folds extend the life of the wallet?
The company declined to give full details of its production technology.
The company explained that the images were a tribute to its 200 artisan craft, saying that more than 100 were produced in each package and wallet.
Manual sewing machines are used in certain aspects because they are \"safer and more necessary for strength, precision and durability \".
Louis Vuitton with sales of 1 pound.
Last year, 7bn argued that the use of hand-made sewing machines was part of the 21 st century \"hand-made.
But ASA says the public will explain the image of a woman using needles and lines next to the statement of \"unlimited patience to protect each stitch,\" meaning the bag is hand stitched.
Louis Vuitton did not say how much it did with its hands.
\"Because we didn\'t see evidence that Louis Vuitton products were handmade, we came to the conclusion that the ads were misleading,\" said ASA.
\"The company has expressed its support for the ASA and will comply with the award.
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